Page 85 of Number 10 Affair
I smiled and pulled her up to her feet, then I wrapped my hands around her body, hugging her tightly. I inhaled her scent; fuck, I didn’t want to lose her. I had never been more sure of anything.
“Don’t worry about this for now, I’m going to deal with it, but I'll ask someone from security to get Maja from school today and then you probably should stay at home for a few days. This whole thing will blow over soon,” I said, already formulating a plan in my head of how I was going to tackle this whole scandal.
“I should go back to my apartment, and we should probably not see each other for a little while,” she started saying.
I grabbed her face, suddenly feeling like I might lose control.
“No, this isn't happening. I want you to stay right where you belong, Laura, you’re not going anywhere. I’m going to fight for us, no matter what. I told you, I want to tell the whole world about us.” I looked directly into her eyes.
“All right, Spencer, I trust you,” she said.
I smiled at her before I kissed her, not knowing why I couldn’t just tell her how I felt about her.
Chapter Forty
“We are done for, the photo is all over the news.” Jeremy flopped down on the sofa and buried his face in his hands.
It had been two days since the photo had been leaked online, and now everyone was gossiping about the fact that I was screwing my nanny. This was not what I ever wanted, it was a PR mess, but I couldn’t say I was overly surprised. I still hadn’t tracked Samantha down, and that was a real worry, because I knew she was planning something.
She was the one who’d left me, so I didn’t understand her motivation for what she’d done to me, but that didn’t change the fact that I needed to speak to her.
“Are you all right, Jeremy? You really should try to avoid all this stress, you have high blood pressure,” I told him, still thinking and talking to all my advisors about how to solve this whole saga.
“Spencer, you’re my good friend. I think you should call a press conference. People will want to hear your side of the story.”
I was just about to tell him no when the door opened and Cath stood there appearing harassed.
“Sir, there’s a Samantha Morrison here for you. She’s not on the list of approved visitors, but she said she’s family,” Cath explained.
I jumped up, a wave of anger rippling through me. Of course she’d decided to show up when things were blowing up. I should have found her much earlier; now everything was getting so complicated.
“Send her in,” I said and then turned to Jeremy. “It’s Maja’s mother, and I've to speak to her, so can you give us a few minutes?”
Jeremy was surprised.
“Sure, but we should talk about this later,” he said and then he stood. He passed the woman who had left me out of the blue, almost nine years ago, in the doorway. He glanced at her for a few seconds before he shut the door behind him.
I released the breath that I didn’t know I was holding, staring at Maja’s mother, not quite believing she had actually shown up after so many years of no contact.
“I’ve been expecting you,” I said and stuffed my hands in my pockets.
I couldn’t believe she was really here, in my fucking office, acting as if no time had passed at all.
I took a few deep breaths and counted to ten, but it didn’t work to calm the rage building within me. I had hoped Samantha wouldn’t show up here and suddenly decide that she was going to be Maja’s mother again.
I went over to my desk, but I couldn’t sit. I was too worked up staring at Samantha’s wavy blonde hair. The resemblance was striking, and I did notice it before, but I hadn't really connected the dots back when I first met her. I was too busy thinking with my dick rather listening to the voice of reason. Laura was more beautiful, and her features were more natural, but they still looked so much alike. Samantha had changed little over the years. She was dressed immaculately, still wearing designer clothes.
“Have you? I thought I’d surprised you, but obviously I didn’t plan it properly.” She smiled and brushed her red nails through her long hair. “I came to rescue you, of course. I see there's trouble in paradise.” She pulled out a brown envelope from her bag and tossed it on my desk. “There's something very interesting inside. I hope it will help you piece all the clues together, my dear Spencer. You should have vetted your nanny before you let her into your bed.”
I sighed loudly, telling myself to stay calm, but I was on the verge of losing my shit. She had always been cunning and manipulative. It had been years since we’d last seen each other, but since I’d found out she was Laura’s sister, I was piecing everything together slowly in my head.
“And how are you going to rescue me? Are you going to join the press conference and act like nine years have not gone by? Pretend that you didn’t just abandon your daughter and never looked back?” I wondered what I had ever seen in her. We were young, and she was my first ever big love. “You came because you must have found out that Laura is your biological sister. Tell me, did you know when we were together that you had a sister?”
If Samantha was surprised that I’d figured out her game, she didn’t show it. She placed one long leg over the other one, appearing comfortable.
“I knew I had a sister, but I never felt obligated to search for her. I wanted to forget about that part of my life, but things changed. I started looking for her two years ago,” she said. “I came back because you would need my help and, cards on the table, I need some financial assistance.”