Page 1 of Ace
RIDING HIS motorcycle gave him the best sense of freedom he’d ever felt. Riding made everything else bleed away and with every mile his wheels left behind, with every burst of wind against his body, with his brothers next to him, and the open road in front of him, he felt free.
He’d hated every second he’d been stuck in that hospital bed after the attack on Sawyer that left him on the hood of a car. Well, he’d rolled off it, too. On the freeway. His mom had nearly killed him when she found out.
That was a conversation he never wanted to have again. Just the look on his mom’s face had hurt more than the injuries. He was a momma’s boy through and through. People had teased him for it his whole life and he’d always told them to fuck off. With his fists.
He never claimed to be smart.
His mom was the best. He adored her and always did his best to treat her like the queen she was, unlike his deadbeat father who’d left them before his second birthday.
Riding with his brothers gave him a sense of family and belonging he’d never experienced before joining the club. He was glad they’d managed to climb out of the hole their old president had dug for them. Not only that, but they were out there doing good.
For every person they saved he felt more and more like he made a difference in the world. He’d never thought he’d do or feel that, but it gave him something selling guns and doing other stupid shit never had. He wasn’t sure how to put that thing into words. He just knew that it made him feel good. Happy. Accomplished.
He also knew he wasn’t the only one who felt that way. Everyone seemed happier. Then again, there was no longer a constant threat to their lives from their own president so that probably helped.
He pushed down on the shift lever with his left foot, gearing down as they entered a residential area. Diesel would kick his ass if he drove too fast or his bike made too much noise because the last thing they needed was to attract unwanted attention. Especially from the cops.
They pulled up to a red traffic light and spread out into two lanes. He had music blaring through his headset, rocking from side to side to the beat as he waited for the light to change.
The music cut out, making him protest.
“Who the hell let Ace choose the music?” Diesel’s growly voice came through the headset making Ace cringe.
“No one. That’s my music,” Jace said, and he could just imagine the man pouting under his helmet.
The deep sigh that followed had Ace holding back laughter.
“Shit,” Diesel muttered.
“Nice one, dipshit,” Ares said to Diesel.
“Baby,” Jace chided. “Be nice.”
“I was nice all night. Don’t expect me to be nice now,” Ares growled low.
“Oh god, no,” Kaz exclaimed. “Someone please tell me how to disconnect from this shit.”
“Language,” Jace scolded while Ares laughed and Kaz cursed some more.
“It’s green, fuckers,” Little John said as he sped past them.
Kaz drove up next to Ace and revved his bike making Ace laugh and shake his head. The kid was such a troublemaker.
“Don’t teach him that stuff,” Jace said, his dad-voice coming through loud and clear.
“I’m pretty sure I’m the one teaching him,” Kaz said, and he swore he could practically hear that smug smile on the kid’s face.
There were some ooh’s along with one, “Oh, fuck,” from his brothers.
“We’ll see who’s really teaching who, kid,” Ace said and took off down the road.
If he hadn’t been in work-mode, he would’ve laughed at seeing Cora with her ass in the air as Ollie tried to push her through a window. Their caller had locked herself in her bathroom and the front door was locked as well, but Cap had spotted the open window so instead of breaking the poor woman’s front door seeing as she wasn’t in any immediate danger, he was sending Cora through that window so she could unlock it for them.