Page 40 of Ace
Ollie and Dennis went to the driver’s side while Kody ran to the passenger side. There were two people inside. No one in the back seat.
He got the door open and instantly cold slithered down his spine. The passenger was heavily pregnant. She also looked young. High-school-age young.
He put his fingers to the side of her neck and held his breath as he waited to feel a pulse. The thump-thump was slow, but it was there.
“I need a medic,” he yelled while grabbing his knife to cut the seatbelt.
The girl roused with a pained sound.
“Hey,” he said, putting his hand on her arm. “You’ve been in a car crash. My name’s Kody. I’m a firefighter and I’m gonna get you out of here, okay?”
She blinked her eyes a bit, then turned her head toward him. She looked dazed and he didn’t like it one bit.
“Can you tell me your name?” he asked while securing a C-collar around her neck.
“Wh-where?” she croaked out, her voice sounding so small and fragile as if she was afraid to speak.
“You’re in York. You’ve been in a car accident. Can you tell me how far along you are?”
“No,” she said on a groan, eyes squeezed closed as she dropped her head back against the seat and put her hand on her belly.
One of the paramedics, Molly, showed up with a stretcher. She helped him pull the girl out of the car and lay her on the stretcher. As they rolled her to the ambulance, he looked up to see that Ollie and Dennis had gotten the driver out and were moving him toward the other ambulance.
Their radios crackled, Molly being called away for assistance with the overturned car.
“Shit. Keep her steady,” she said before taking off.
The girl whimpered.
“It’s okay. You’re alright. They’ve got your boyfriend out, too. You’re both going to the hospital.”
She blinked up at him, confusion filling her gaze.
“Boy?? No. Nonono. Please. Get me out of here. Get me out,” she screamed, her voice getting higher with each word.
“Easy. It’s okay. You’re safe.”
“No,” she gasped out. “No. Please, no.”
“You’re okay.”
She made an almost feral sound and started clawing at the C-collar. He grabbed her hands to stop her and with her sleeves sliding down, he could see blue and red marks around her wrists. Nausea hit him but he took a breath to steady himself.
When she stopped resisting long enough to look up at him, he said, “I promise to take it off if you stop moving.”
She stared at him intently for what felt like the longest second in his life, then she nodded. He gently removed the collar. Normally he wouldn’t, but with how much she was trashing around and panicking with it on it wouldn’t be that much help in the end, besides, it was only until one of the medics could give her something to calm her down. She’d already been in an accident, he didn’t want to do anything else that could make her go into labor.
“Why don’t you tell me your name?”
She looked at him with so much fear and apprehension in her eyes that he almost couldn’t bear it.
“Luna,” she whispered.
He gave her a warm smile and said, “Hi, Luna. I promise you’re gonna be okay.”
A loud yell had him snapping his head up. His heart went crazy in his chest while time seemed to slow down. Dennis and Ollie had the driver from Luna’s car on a stretcher and he was getting up, shouting at them. Dennis put his hands on the man’s chest to stop him, but he pushed Dennis back and reached behind himself, pulling out something black and then a loud boom had Kody jerking.
Dennis hit the ground and while Kody’s brain was still trying desperately to catch up, the driver turned and raised a gun. He was aiming it at Kody. At the girl on the stretcher next to him.