Page 5 of Ace
“Looks like it,” he said and turned it around to show Ace the deep marks on it.
“Does he need to go to the hospital?” Jace asked.
Diesel threw his hands up. “Not it.”
The firefighters all gave him dirty looks which made Ace chuckle.
“Do you have a headache?”
He turned toward the doctor lady and shook his head.
She narrowed her eyes. “You know your name? Where you are? Your birthday?”
She tilted her head to the side and gave him the same look his math teacher always had.
“He’s not concussed. He’s just stupid,” Texas said and slapped Ace on the back.
“Fuck off,” Ace said with a huff of laughter.
“Come with me,” Kody said, motioning for Ace to follow. He did so without a second thought.
Kody made him sit down on the curb and crouched down in front of him.
“Well, we’ve already established that you know your name,” Kody said with a teasing smile.
“Anything else you want to know? My birthday is April first. Yeah, that’s always fun. I still live with my mom because I don’t like the thought of her being alone. I don’t remember when I was last in a relationship. Oh, and I just crashed my bike. Again.”
Kody blinked at him, then a laugh burst from him. It wasn’t a ‘I’m laughing at you’ laugh, it was more a ‘you’re adorable’ laugh. He wasn’t sure which was worse, though.
“I don’t know if that actually convinced me that you’re not concussed,” Kody said, and the smile he gave him had his heart doing that weird thing again.
He rubbed his chest in a futile attempt to ease it.
“You okay?” Kody asked, frowning down at Ace’s hand.
“Yeah. Like Tex said. I’m just stupid.”
Kody leveled him with a pointed glare and said, “I sincerely doubt that.”
The tone of his voice and that look had Ace believing him.
“The guys are gonna get your bike out, but depending on the damage to the truck, you might get a call from the city,” Kody said, giving him an apologetic look.
“Shit.” Ace dropped his head back on a loud groan, then looked at Kody with a pout. “They’re already on my case with all the ‘how did you get those injuries?’ questions and I keep telling them it was a hit and run, you know? Well. It was a hit. I don’t really know about the run. Can you run if you’re dead?”
Kody gave him a concerned look and he got stuck staring into his brown eyes. He wasn’t sure he’d seen eyes so vibrantly brown before. He wasn’t sure anyone had ever looked at him the way Kody was. Not that he really understood it or the feeling it gave him in his stomach.
“Ace,” Diesel snapped, making them both jump. He hadn’t realized Diesel had walked up to them, too busy staring into Kody’s eyes.
“One of these days,” Diesel said, grabbing Ace by the arm to pull him up, “I’m gonna kill you.”
As Diesel dragged him away from Kody, he looked over his shoulder and waved to the man who gave him a small wave back, his expression a mix of confusion and worry.