Page 67 of Ace
“Something’s wrong,” Griff muttered.
Everything about what these assholes were doing to those women was wrong, but he had a feeling that wasn’t what Griff meant.
“What do you see?” Ares asked.
“One of the women keeps walking around shifting her hands from her belly to her back and her breathing changes every few minutes.”
“Contractions?” Diesel asked.
“Very likely,” Chris said. “Look at the men. They look like they’re starting to panic.”
Ace brought up his binoculars and Chris wasn’t wrong. They knew from Digger that there were seven men there in total. One was clearly barking orders at the others. He was the one they had to try to keep alive. They needed to get as much information out of him as possible about their operation because they didn’t know where they’d been taking Luna or the women before her. They needed to find them. If they were still alive.
The two men in the room with the women were the ones panicking. One was gripping his hair while the other was pacing the room with hasty steps while he was on the phone.
“We need to get in there before she goes into active labor,” Griff said.
He couldn’t agree more. She couldn’t give birth on that dirty floor in there or without a doctor. He couldn’t imagine that going very well.
“Let’s move,” Ares said.
Digger had already set up on top of a building a few blocks over. It was the only tall building in the area and while it was quite far away, he had faith in Digger. He didn’t have the very best view of the building though, so they still had to thread carefully.
RK was monitoring the radio, looking out for any police chatter while the rest of them moved into the building. They didn’t know this area or the police’s response time here. They needed to get in and get out fast.
When they got close, Ares raised his left hand, and they all came to a halt.
“Two out front,” Ares’ voice sounded in his earpiece.
“I’ve got ‘em,” Digger said and shot off two rounds before Ace could even take a breath.
The second the bodies dropped, they were moving. Ares and Griff, along with Digger, secured them entry into the building where they split up into smaller groups. He was with Diesel, Chris, and Steel as they made their way through the first floor.
Diesel and Steel were first through the door, Chris and Ace following close behind them.
From the sound of it, the others were taking most of the heat on the second floor, but he wasn’t surprised when they were shot at before they got through the first room.
He ducked behind an old water heater and dropped to his knees. He chanced a look while the others engaged their shooter. He could see the toe of the man’s sneakers peeking out from the corner he was hiding behind.
He took the shot and the scream that followed had him wincing. The man dropped to the floor, grabbing his foot while he screamed bloody murder. Diesel was on him the next second, gun pressing against the side of his head.
The man whimpered and put his gun down, then raised his hands.
“We need this one alive,” Chris said, putting a hand on Diesel’s shoulder.
Diesel gave him a nod and lowered his gun to grab a pair of zip-ties from his back pocket. Ace stepped closer and kicked the gun toward Steel who picked it up and unloaded it.
“You got him?” Ace asked and when Steel and Chris confirmed, Chris grabbing the man by the arm to drag him to his feet, Ace and Diesel moved down the hall. There was a door to their left as well as one at the end of the hallway.
The started with the closest one. Diesel reached for the door handle and when Ace gave him a nod, he pushed open the door and Ace entered first. The room was small and dark, but it was empty, so he motioned for Diesel to move on and followed him down the hallway. They placed themselves on either side of the door and just as Diesel was giving him the go-ahead, bullets tore through the door.
He felt a spark of heat pass by his left arm and jerked back. He pressed his back against the wall and spared a quick glance at his arm. He’d gotten lucky. The bullet had missed him.
He raised his gun and gave Diesel a nod. The second there was a lull in the gunfire, Diesel kicked down the door and Ace followed him inside. The room they entered was empty. No furniture. No shooter. He must’ve run for cover.
There was some screaming, but it was hard to determine where it came from among the gunfire from above.
They were cautious as they moved through the room toward the open door in the back. Ace stepped through it first and moved to the side so Diesel could enter next to him.