Page 37 of Keep Breathing
“Ooh, I love pierogi. We have this little restaurant in the city back home and they make the best cheese and potato ones. I used to go there with my mom all the time,” I told him excitedly.
“You’ll have to take us some time. I haven’t had good pierogi in years. They don’t exactly have much Polish food around here.”
“We’ll do that,” I agreed easily, choosing not to voice the last part I was thinking – if I ever get home again.
We walked into the kitchen where Kailan and Harris were looking at a laptop together, seated at the table, and Nick was in the kitchen chopping something. There was some quiet music on in the background and it was all just very calm and relaxed.
“Hey,” I greeted as Kailan and Harris both looked up to me at the same time.
“Hi. Did you sleep?” Harris asked.
“I did. Really well, actually. I could hardly believe it when I woke up,” I explained.
“That’s great. I think you needed it.”
“I definitely feel a lot better,” I agreed with Harris, then I looked to the kitchen where Nick had stopped what he was doing and was watching me. “That food smells amazing,” I told him, still feeling a little nervous with him. Out of all of the guys he was the quietest and most standoffish. I still wasn’t entirely sure he even wanted me there.
“Just some enchiladas,” he shrugged. “They won’t be as good as you’re used to.”
“They smell pretty good,” I countered.
“Take a seat, It’s almost ready. Aleks, grab some drinks,” Nick ordered, and I instantly complied, backing up and sitting in the seat beside Harris.
“How are the clothes? Does everything fit?” Harris asked.
“They’re perfect, but you spent way too much,” I sighed.
“Don’t start that again,” Kailan groaned.
“Fine. But I will pay you back,” I gave in. “Thank you, for all of it. It did feel good to wash my hair properly and these slippers are the greatest thing I ever put on my feet.”
“I’m glad, sweetheart. You need anything else you just let one of us know, okay?”
“I think you bought me everything I could need for the rest of time but thank you. I will,” I agreed with a snort.
Aleks brought over jugs of water and a selection of sodas, while Nick brought out the huge tray of enchiladas along with salsa, guacamole, and salad. He sat opposite me, beside Aleks, then handed around plates to each of us.
“You want a little of everything?” Aleks asked as he took my plate from me and went for the enchiladas.
“Sure,” I nodded, shocked he was filling my plate for me again, and before he even filled his own. He really seemed like the sweetest guy and his kindness was overwhelming.
“You don’t have to do that for me,” I argued weakly.
“Sure I do. My mom might have sucked at cooking, but she taught me that ladies should always be taken care of first,” he explained with a smile. “There you go, malenka.” He placed a plate filled with food before me and smiled brightly.
“Does you mom live close by?” I asked as I grabbed my fork and tucked in. For the first time in months, the smell of that food was making me hungry and not nauseated.
“I grew up just outside of Washington, but my parents are gone. My dad died when I was nineteen and I lost my mom a few years ago. They were older and never in great health,” he explained.
“I’m sorry.” I placed my hand over his on the table. I couldn’t imagine how it would feel to lose both parents so young.
“Wherever they are now, I’m sure they’re together. That makes it easier,” he told me and I nodded. I got that.
“What about you guys? Do either of you have family close?” I asked, looking to Kailan and Nick. I knew Harris was an only child and that his mom had moved to Australia.
“My parents still live in our family home in Texas and my sister lives close by with her two kids. I usually try to see them a couple of times a year if I can,” Kailan explained. I looked to Nick, but he seemed reluctant. Just as I was going to change the subject he spoke.
“I don’t know. Grew up in care, mostly,” he shrugged. I didn’t want to make him uncomfortable, so I dropped that subject.