Page 63 of Eternally Rare
“Me either, My Snow.” I kiss the middle of her back, stroking her sides to show her affection. I know she thinks she is on the outside, but she is the only one keeping the three of us together. Without her, I have no doubt Nyx and I would be strangers for most days.
Nyx remains quiet, and I know why. He is struggling to accept that he would rather be with us too— me— specifically. He will always see Rarity, but admitting he likes the company of his father’s killer is too much for him.
My eyes become heavy, and I fall asleep, only when I wake, it is to a blood-curling scream.
Rarity’s scream awakens my dragon, calling the beast forward from a calm slumber when I feel her agony in the bond. The smell of burning flesh fills my nose. Looking down, I see her crying, screaming at the top of her lungs as her skin blackens like charred wood.
“Rarity! It is okay. It will be okay.” Cailian runs into the bedroom adjacent to the balcony, snagging the blanket from the bed.
I cover my firebond with my good wing, hunkering down low to give her as much shade as possible from the sun. Swinging my head down, I press my cheek against hers, the wet tears streaming down her face are warm against my skin. Her body trembles, her teeth clinking together from the agony of the burns on her body.
My own tears threaten. Worry and fear build in my chest, wondering what will happen to her. Will she die? Gods, she can’tdie. I just found her. She gives me so much happiness in the murky waters of my soul.
Cailian is back, gently covering her body with the blanket, and even the pressure from the blanket against her marred flesh makes her scream in agony again.
“I know. I know, My Snow. I know it hurts. We are going to take care of you. Okay? You will be okay. I will make sure of it. I am so sorry. I am so fucking sorry. I cannot believe I forgot about the sun. I am a bad mate. It will not happen again.” He rambles his guilt, tucking his arms under her back to lift her.
“Cailian!” she shouts his name, another wave of tears spilling down her cheeks. “I can’t. I can’t. Please,” she sobs, pressing her head against his chest. “Don’t move. Please,” she weeps, her pain is much, so heavy and sharp, it nearly makes my dragon’s knees weak.
“We have to get you inside. Dovenyx cannot stay in his form all day. The sun will shift, My Snow.”
And I only have one wing that will help shade her.
“Dovenyx,” she whispers, a hint of a smile on her dried, cracked lips. “Such a pretty name. Why don’t we call him that, Cailian?” she asks him, her eyes barely open, and half-dead from the pain.
Enough talking. Why isn’t she inside yet?
I huff with impatience at Cailian, a bit of sparks tickling my lips.
Cailian understands. He’s brilliant catching on to what I am trying to portray. He somehow sees past my grumpy, moody behavior for who I really am.
And that bothers me. He bothers me.
I am falling hard for my firebonds, and I don’t think the hate inside me is strong enough to fight it. Not that I could ever fight my love for Rarity. Our bond was born out of realization, not violent history. My love for her is natural, like how the leavesrustle in the breeze. It just happens. An inevitable force that will always make itself known.
He smiles at me, a bit forced, but I can tell he is trying to remain positive and slides his gaze to Rarity.
“You heard our dragon. He does not want you out here anymore, and I cannot blame him.”
She whimpers again, shivering from her flesh turning to ash. “Please, don’t move. Please. It hurts so much. It hurts. Nyx, please, tell him not to.” Rarity manages to turn her head, the skin around her neck cracking from how dry it is. Blood drips from the open wounds. I huff again, a small growl rumbling in my chest because I wish I could give her what she wants.
He has to move.
I shake my head, swinging my head down to press my cheek against hers. The pain strumming the bond has my dragon in a panic.
“I am sorry, My Snow. We have to move you inside. Being out here is too dangerous.” Cailian takes one small step, and she buries her face in his chest, screaming so loud, that the birds in the trees caw and fly away.
I want to freeze the sun for hurting my Darling Jewel. Perhaps Cailian can do that. If I fly high enough, if he can take the blazing heat, maybe it can be done.
A ridiculous thought, I know, but I want revenge on the sun for hurting my firebond.
I always want revenge for those that I care for.
Cailian continues to walk, gritting his teeth as her shouts of agony continue. The delicate curve of his jaw tightens as he bites down. He is too beautiful for the ugliness that lives inside me.
He lies her on the bed, bending down to ease her gently onto the soft mattress. I shift into my human form, tucking my wings to enter the bedroom. I close the door and shut the curtains, protecting the vampire that has wiggled her way into my heart.
Cailian takes the blanket from her body, her mouth parting as another torturous shout makes my ears ring.