Page 85 of Eternally Rare
That’s ridiculous.
Tails just can’t snap off.
“Nyx… Nyx!” Cailian screams before we fly over another bump, only this time, we all get separated.
Cailian flips.
Rarity’s limbs are windmilling.
I try to get my wings to work to get some stability, but my left wing won’t stretch. We hit the ground one after the other, our grunts following the last, and I somersault until I finally land on my back, coming to a complete stop.
I gasp for breath, arms spread out, thank my lucky stars that— Cailian’s elbow slams into my ribs, and Rarity flops between my legs, her fist hammering down on my balls.
Inhaling until I gasp, I roll to the side and cup my dick, gagging a little. My head swims from the pain.
“Oh my gods! Nyx. Nyx, I am so sorry. Are you okay?” Rarity crawls around me, flipping me to my back. “I didn’t mean to. I had no control.” She covers her mouth with both hands.
“It’s— It’s fine,” I mutter through a held breath. “I need a minute.”
She looks so disheveled. Her dress is soaked. The hem is torn. Her hair is a tangled mess. And she has a scratch on her cheekbut before I can say anything, the skin stitches itself together and heals.
Why can’t my balls do the same?
“Will you be okay?” Cailian asks through a smile he is trying his best to hide but failing.
“I don’t know. Maybe you two should check for bruising.” I tuck my hands behind my head, smirking as the pain fades. “Maybe give itthreekisses. I might feel better then.” I wink at both of them.
“Ugh,” Rarity nudges me playfully. “Men. You’re all the same in some capacity.”
Cailian snorts as he laughs, shaking his head. “You’re a menace.”
“You love it,” I say, catching his eyes.
We lock gazes and he stands, holding out his hand.
“You love it,” I repeat, brows furrowing as I stare at his palm. I need him to tell me.
“You know I do,” he mumbles so quietly I can hardly hear him. “You’re still a menace.”
Slapping my hand in his, I allow him to help me up.
“I’m your menace.” I slip two fingers under his chin and force his head up. “Yours.”
That faint blue hue dusts his cheeks as he nibbles on his bottom lip. As I look at him, I realize the hate I’ve been carrying around all these years is no longer there. There isn’t a voice in the back of my head whispering he has another agenda.
I believe anyone is capable of being a killer. Cailian? He is not a murderer. My heart is telling me that. I’m getting to know him and while I’m afraid I could be wrong; I don’t think I am.
“You always have a way of making me feel so… fragile,” he says.
“Now you know how I feel when it comes to the both of you.” Rarity twists her hair before wrapping it in a messy bun on top of her head.
I shake the snow from my wet hair and heat my body, warming my veins and eventually drying me from head to toe.
“You should be able to do the same,” I inform, finally spreading my wings. I choke in the agony in the middle of my back, knowing that my flying days are numbered. “Focus on my dragon fire inside you. Imagine it is me making you warm.”
“I cannot,” Cailian scoffs. “We are too close to the village and imagining you making me warm is a recipe for disaster.”
“Is that so?” I growl, the urge swelling back inside me to hide them away in my room. “If you want to be dry, focus, Treasure. Imagine I am swimming through your body, igniting a fire in every crevice, in every bone, in your marrow. Pretend, I am melting the ice that lives inside you.” My own words turn against me. The thought of being so close to them, inside them, exploring every aspect of their cells has the threat of the rut creep forward.