Page 97 of Eternally Rare
“Bye, Ockard,” I say to him in a whisper, wanting to thank him for giving me a normal experience.
The wine wins my body causing my eyes to fall shut. My mind darkens yet my heart still feels just as much as it did when I entered the tavern— even though I wish it didn’t.
I dodge the snowball Rarity throws at me in the den, my fellow dragons watching in humor while my firebond attacks me with anger. I have never seen her use her powers and while snowballs aren’t exactly deadly, they are cold, and if I’m lucky, she won’t figure out how to turn them into solid ice. I duck again, the next round of snowballs aimed right at my face, but they miss me.
Raiden grunts as three hit him in the face one after the other, after the other.
The entire den roars in laughter, a few of them laughing so hard they are on their sides, gasping for air. They know that if this were anyone else attacking me, I’d be killing them.
But it is my firebond, My Darling Jewel, the rare piece of my soul that paranormals are lucky to find. I have to let her take her anger out on me, and if I am honest, I want her to. I deserve it.
“You stubborn, angry, conceited, rude, thoughtless, selfish dragon!” she yells, lifting both hands to conjure snow.
She is so similar to Cailian.
I am a doomed dragon.
She throws her hands through the air and the snowballs launch, smacking me right in the chest, neck, and face.
My dragons continue to laugh as I allow her to make a fool of me. I will never punish my firebond for being upset with me. I will always allow her to put me in my place. My dragons deserve to see her angry. They need to see her put me in my place.
“I know, My Darling Jewel—”
She tosses another snowball, hitting me square on my ass.
“—Don’t you ‘My Darling Jewel’ me, you pompous, arrogant, asshole!” She throws six snowballs at me one after another, one hitting me directly on my cock.
I groan, completely folding to the floor with my hands cupping my aching balls. This is the second time I’ve been hit today and if the hits keep coming, children might forever be out of the picture.
My dragons groan in sympathy pain, cupping their own cocks in phantom agony. I bet they are glad they aren’t me right now.
I wish I wasn’t me right now. Rarity is brutal when she is upset.
She ices the floor, gets a running start, and slides her way directly in front of me. This time, it is her hand wrapping around my throat. Her palm barely covers the middle, but she manages to squeeze my windpipe enough to leave me gasping for breath.
“You will go get Cailian and you will bring him here.”
She squeezes, ruining my ability to speak. “You will go to him. You will apologize. You both will stop this nonsense. And we will all be happy together. Do you understand me?” Ice begins to form on my neck, slowly traveling up my jaw. “Or so help me, Nyx, whether you like it or not, I will freeze the memory of howyour father died, and the only thing you will feel when you look at Cailian is love.”
My fire brews in a wicked fury, heating my skin to melt her ice. “You wouldn’t dare invade me in such a way. You and I both know I need to come to terms with Cailian on my own.”
She leans down, the tip of her nose touching mine. “Then you better figure it out soon. I have frozen memories before and I have no issues doing it again.” With a rough shove, she lets me go, and gives me her back.
The dragons watch her in awe as she saunters to my throne, her spine straight, her head held high, and she sits proudly on the obsidian chair forged from lava.
“I will go get him.” I go to stand , but two spears of ice emerge from the ground, nearly piercing me under my chin. “My Darling Jewel, what is this?” I have to tilt my head back to keep the sharpened points away from my neck.
My dragon is beginning to feel testy from this treatment.
“Crawl to me and tell me that,” she states before leaning forward, her violet eyes electric with her own flames. “Crawl to me and convince me you will go to him. I want you to beg for my forgiveness for taking my heart and breaking it when you left him behind and alone. Mates do not do that, no matter the pain.”
I blow smoke from my nostrils, not because I would never crawl to her, but because the thought of submitting in such a way has the beast inside me anxious. I have never been seen in such a position in front of my dragons, my elites, my chain of command below me.
“Crawl. To. Me,” she repeats, her fingers digging into the chair until her knuckles are white.
All the dragons surrounding the den turn their heads to me, waiting to see what I will do.