Page 11 of Fated to Wolves
I shook my head.“Not really.I was thinking more about size, not strength.I wasn’t this strong in high school, but I was big.Tall.Overweight.And I wanted to be powerful to match my size, in magic and physically.”
George reached for a chicken leg, looking pleased when it proved to be real.“Well, it looks like you got your wish,” he said, before taking a huge bite of the chicken meat.
His words filtered over me and I heaved a massive sigh to let out some of the emotion that swirled deep inside me.It was a big thing to process.“Yeah, I suppose I did.”I reached for a bread roll and picked up the knife stuck in golden butter.
We ate for a short while, sitting in companionable silence while we devoured half the food.Power lifters consumed food like no other person.I’d always loved to eat, and watching my dad put away a whole cooked chicken and most of a roast lamb leg was a regular Sunday afternoon occurrence.
Eating with George was the same, and I found myself relaxing at the familiarity of it all.
“Hey, I’ve asked my dad to help train some of the more elite lifters.Would you be up for a few sessions with an old footballer?”
George’s jaw dropped.“Are you serious?Of course, I bloody would.”
I smiled, “I’m glad.Dad would like that.”
There was another short silence, then George said, “Hey… I’ve got some friends looking for a witch.Do you want some more work?”
I cocked my head at him.“Work?What sort of work?”
And what sort of ‘friends’ needed a witch?
George looked down at his plate.“They need a powerful witch to alter a curse, I think.I told them I’d ask around, but I didn’t have anyone in mind to ask… until now.”
“And you think I can help them?”I was shocked George was even mentioning it.
I didn’t sell my magic.I’d always thought of myself first and foremost as a business owner.A single, independent woman, but not particularly magical.I was not hired out for magical skills, abilities, or spells.The concept was new to me.
“Who are these friends?”I asked.
George still wasn’t looking at me, which meant he was uncomfortable about answering the question.
“Well… they’re other supernaturals.”He coughed and cleared his throat, and I immediately went on guard.
There was only one type of supernatural that warlocks and witches didn’t mess with.“They’re wolf shifters, aren’t they?”
George lifted his head and met my gaze.“Yeah.They are.So I would understand if you don’t want to consider the job.”
I sat back in my chair, my belly full.I was physically replete, but feeling a little confused.“Since when do you associate with shifters, George?”
He shrugged.“They’re good guys, mostly.I had a run in with some bear shifters a few years ago, and these wolves saved my ass.Been friends with them ever since.”
It was my turn to be surprised.The shifters and the magicals had a natural enemy status that I’d never thought much about.Shifters lived on the other side of town, in the south, and I’d rarely seen one in real life.
The once or twice I’d bumped into one, they’d met my gaze, realized I was a low-grade witch, and kept on walking.
But in this case, there was only one answer, “Of course I’ll help your friends, George.If they helped you, I’d be happy to assist them.”
I had questions about how they’d saved his ass.George wasn’t a man to lose a fight, so those bear shifters must have been mean bastards.
George’s smile was brilliant as he dragged himself up to his feet.“Okay.I’ll get in contact with them, and let you know.”
He thanked me for the food, and headed off.
I pulled my magic to the forefront of my mind, then cleaned up all the food and the table and chairs, with a single swipe of my arm.That was pretty cool, I had to admit.
I went upstairs to have a shower and went to bed with a smile on my face.My life had just taken a massive turn for the better.
But as I let myself relax into my pillow on the verge of sleep, the hairs on my arms prickled with premonition.