Page 13 of Fated to Wolves
Leo pointed behind me, without speaking.I turned around, a growl in my throat.Who was this enemy that had turned my brother into a shivering zombie version of himself?
The moment I fixed my gaze on the other side of the room, I saw her.
She was the most beautiful woman I’d ever encountered.Her curves were sumptuous.Her long dark hair gleamed with good health and her face… An angel had fallen.
“I…” I couldn’t get any words out.My heart was too heavy in my chest.My mouth was dry and I had to force myself to swallow.
The heavenly woman walked toward us, her lips curved up in a welcoming smile.
As she got closer, I realized she was still looking me in the eyes, a very rare moment for me.I was over six foot four, and this woman had to be six foot herself.And at least two hundred pounds.
I couldn’t wait to throw her down onto my bed… any bed, and ravage her.Where were these thoughts coming from?But I couldn’t help myself.
“Hi.I’m Tania.Are you the guys George said were looking for some help?”
She didn’t seem at all affected by our presence.Whereas my heart was pounding like I’d shifted under a full moon and was running full pelt through the woods.
Leo seemed similarly affected.Even worse than me, he didn’t seem to be able to speak at all.
I nodded, because it seemed a safe response.
She took a step back and gestured for us to follow.“Why don’t we chat in my office.It’s pretty loud out here.”
We followed her like lost little puppies through the huge gym, with men and women alike lifting huge weights and grunting out their frustrations and triumphs.
From the smell, most of them were human.I noticed another witch, and two warlocks.No other shifters though.
Tania led us to a small room at the back of the gym.As soon as we walked inside, the smell of the human men lifted, and her scent became more distinct.More potent.
I gasped at the effect her scent had on my body.My cock hardened and I couldn’t stop the flush of arousal sweeping through my body.
Tania walked over to sit behind a desk, and I rushed forward to sit on the chair opposite her.
Leo was right behind me.
“So,” Tania said, all business as she slid forward in her chair behind the desk.“George told me you’re looking for someone to break a curse.I have no idea if I can help, but I’m certainly willing to try.”
“Thank you,” I managed to spit out, then coughed to clear my throat.
Tania’s dark eyebrows drew together in concern.“Are you guys okay?”
Leo cleared his throat and finally managed to get his voice working.“Yes, we just… aren’t used to so many humans.The smell…”
Tania’s eyes widened, then she chuckled softly, the sound as musical as harp strings.So beautiful.
“Oh yes, I see.I’d forgotten that shifters had heightened senses, I apologize.Would you like to move our meeting somewhere else?”
The fact she’d offered, and seemed like she actually cared about our comfort, said a lot about her naturally caring nature.
“No,” I managed to grunt out, knowing it was her and not all the humans out in the gym who had caused this reaction in Leo and me.No matter where we held our meeting, we’d likely be the same.“In here is fine.”
Tania leaned back in her chair, arms crossed over her plain t-shirt and ample breasts.I tried not to be creepy and let my gaze dwell on her curves, but my fingers itched to reach out and gently caress her.All of her.Every sexy inch.
“Tell me how I can help you.”
I glanced over at Leo, who nodded at me to explain.I sucked in a deep breath and took my time explaining our predicament.“When we were kids, our parents were cursed by a witch.”
Tania’s gaze slid from me to Leo, then back again.“You’re brothers?”