Page 32 of Fated to Wolves
Tania’s eyes shimmered as though she was going to cry, but there were no tears.There was something else, an emotion I hadn’t seen before, and I wasn’t sure how to approach her about it.
“Are your parents around the back?Let’s go,” she said, twisting away and breaking our eye contact.“I want to meet your parents.”
She began walking down the sideway and I chased after her.She was wearing black sports tights like she usually did and I couldn’t help the way my gaze immediately fell to her luscious ass.
I couldn’t wait for the day when I could touch her whenever I wanted to.It was already so difficult not to reach out and grab her.
Tania waited at the gate while I unlocked it and pushed the door open for her.She walked through, then stopped.
I stepped up beside her and closed the gate, only to turn around and see her seemingly frozen in place.“What’s wrong?”I asked, glancing over to the back porch where my parents stood, staring at Tania.
Her throat worked as she swallowed hard, then she steepled her fingers together and pressed her nails against her lips.“I’ve never seen a wolf shifter like this before.”
“Never?”I asked, surprised.Though it wasn’t super common, there were definitely plenty of us around and most supernaturals had seen a shifter or two in wolf form.
When she shook her head, I laughed to try and break some of the tension.“Well, before we met George that night, I’d never met a warlock before.So there’s a first time for everything, isn’t there?Let me introduce you.”
I held out my hand for her to take, and she grabbed onto me faster than I’d expected.She was shaking a little, which I had to assume was a touch of fear along with her nerves.
“The larger wolf is obviously my father, Patrick.”I gestured to where my dad stood on the porch, and he inclined his head.
Tania squeezed my hand even tighter as I dragged her closer to the porch.“It’s okay.They’re fully aware in wolf form.They’re not wild animals.They won’t hurt you, I promise.They know you’re here to try and help them.”
She nodded and shuffled closer.I glanced at my parents, whose keen eyes were moving from Tania to me, and back again.
“My mom’s name is Ariel,” I told her, grinning at the way she blinked at me.“Yeah, I know it’s unusual.”
The back door opened and Mason came out, shaking his head.
“What happened?”I called out to him.
His chin came up and his eyes locked onto us.He saw the way we held hands, and the way she pressed into me.And the look of hurt that crossed his expression was enough to make me want to step away from Tania to appease my brother’s pain.
But I didn’t.She needed me.So instead, I pulled her a little closer.Mason didn’t want to share Tania with me, and the only way he was going to get comfortable with this arrangement was when he realized he couldn’t live without her.
I kept the subject neutral.“What did she do in there?”
Mase shoved his hands into his pockets and shrugged.“Everything.It’s more than we could do in a month with a whole team of guys.”
I laughed aloud.“Maybe it was good that we saved all that money.What’s your fee, Sue?”
Tania’s mom had followed Mason out, and at my question she stuck her nose in the air.“I don’t charge for my magic.It’s a gift from the gods, to be shared around.”
She seemed offended, so I put my hand on my heart and bowed my head.“I didn’t mean to offend you.All the witches we’ve ever met, charge for their services, which we always found to be fair.It is a skill that you’ve worked hard to achieve, just as we’ve done with our laboring skills.”
When I glanced up, Sue’s eyes were sad and reflected understanding.“I’m sorry this has happened to your family.Would you introduce me to your parents?”
“Of course.”I reluctantly let go of Tania’s hand and moved over to where Sue was standing next to Mom and Dad.
I repeated the introductions, and Sue bent down and shook my parents’ paws, showing respect for the people they actually were.
Then Sue moved over to stand beside Tania, and I joined Mason on the porch.My brother was like stone.Unmoving and hard as rock.
I elbowed him in the ribs, just to give him shit.“You need to get your head in the game, brother.We’re about to get our parents back.”
Sue and Tania were going through a large book that they’d pulled from goodness knows where.
Mason glanced at me.“You’re right.”He relaxed his shoulders a little, but I knew his biggest concern was the fact that moments ago I’d been holding hands with Tania.And he hadn’t been.