Page 5 of Fated to Wolves
I glanced at Mom who was nodding softly, encouraging me to continue.
I turned back to him.“If you’re serious about spending more time in the city, I’d love some help at the gym, Dad.I do the best I can, but I know the men especially would benefit from a guy like you around to help.”
It had actually been on my mind recently, that I didn’t have anyone to help my elites.
“George, for example,” I said.“He needs help with technique, and to be honest I think his diet needs work.He’s about ten kilos less than he should be, but I don’t feel qualified to advise him.”
Dad munched on his waffles, scooping food into his mouth at an impressive rate.“That’s nice of you to say, Tania, but?—”
“Oh, if you don’t want to do it, that’s totally fine,” I said, reaching for the juice.“I know you’re busy.”
Cleaning your car… gardening…
There must have been something in my tone, because Dad narrowed his eyes.Mom whipped out a real estate brochure.“I was looking at this place.It needs a lot of work, but there’s something special about it.”
I pulled the advertisement closer, staring down at a house I’d walked past a hundred times.It was between the gym and my local grocery store.“Mom, this place is practically a pull-down-and-rebuild job.”
It was a mansion, about three blocks from my gym.But it’d been abandoned for decades, or certainly looked like it.I had noticed it both because of its impressive size, but also the sorry state it was in.
She shrugged, eating her fruit and porridge.“I need a project.I’m a bit bored, to be honest.”
I frowned at her, not sure she’d really thought this through.“You know you can’t just snap your fingers and renovate the whole place with magic, Mom?”
Unlike me, my mother’s magic was fantastic.She was more powerful than both my father and I put together.
She rolled her eyes in a mocking type of way.“I know, Tania.I’ve lived in the human world for a long time.I know what I can get away with and what I can’t.”
I looked from my mother, to my father, and back again.“If you two are serious, I’d love to have you close.I’ve missed you.”
It seemed like such a simple thing to say, but the feelings that descended were hot and heavy.I swallowed hard, trying not to cry.Maybe I’d missed them more than I wanted to admit.And this week, dealing with Harry’s death, I felt like I needed them a little more than usual.
“Good,” Mom said, calm as ever.“Because I put an offer on it last week.”
Dad’s jaw dropped.“Youwhat?”
I began to laugh.They hadn’t changed.“So… when do you move in?”
She shrugged.“The agent said we can move in anytime.The money’s just sitting in the account, so as soon as you’re ready, Magnus?”
I looked over at Dad, whose huge physical presence made the fact that his wife ran rings around him, even funnier.“What do you say, Dad?”
He grabbed for the bread basket.“Why not?I always wanted to live in a creepy old mansion.”
I chuckled, shaking my head.My parents were awesome and probably added to my long list of why I didn’t have a husband yet.Their relationship was so perfect, and my standards were high.
I left after breakfast and drove the hour back to the city.The fact that my parents would soon follow gave me more comfort than I wanted to admit.
It was Saturday, so traffic was minimal.I got home faster than I first planned.I drove into my designated car spot and turned off the engine.Then I couldn’t get out.I just sat there, my arms and legs refusing to move.
Every time I closed my eyes, I saw Harry.Dying.Bleeding all over himself.And me.My white floor covered with thick, dark pools of crimson death.
I knew I couldn’t sit out here forever.Eventually I gathered the courage and forced myself to move.Still, my hand shook as I reached for the handle and pushed open my door.I could do this.I could.
“Tania!”Jaydy’s voice rang out across the carpark.
I turned to greet my bestie.“Hey Jaydy.”I managed a smile.“How are you?”
“How areyouis a more relevant question?”She rushed up to hug me.