Page 8 of Fated to Wolves
Yes, that looks pretty.
My hands warmed and magic flowed through me.I smiled wider, enjoying the exercise even though I fully expected to open my eyes and see nothing there.Or at most, a mangled piece of metal that resembled nothing like what I envisaged.
When the warmth of my magic flow slowed and then stopped, I opened my eyes to see what my ridiculous imagination had pretended I could create.
I stared down at the coffee table in shock.“It can’t be.”I was hallucinating now, surely?
I reached out and picked up the gorgeous necklace lying in front of me on the table.The metal was slightly warm to the touch, and heavy.And the piece was utterly beautiful.“Oh, my… God.”
It was real.The links were gold and the emerald was huge and sparkling, even in the dim light of my apartment.I turned the piece this way and that, inspecting it like I expected it to disappear any minute.
But the necklace didn’t disappear.Instead, it got colder and more settled in my hands.
Carefully, I put it down on the table, got up and walked away.
This wasn’t possible.No… way.
I put myself to bed, but after an hour of not being able to fall asleep, I went and got the necklace, put it on the pillow next to me, and stared at it.
Was this real?Was it possible that my magic had improved?Gotten stronger and more powerful?
Was it truly possible that Harry’s dying wish had actually come true?
I forced myself to close my eyes but it was hours before I actually fell asleep.Only time would tell if this was just some sort of weird trick.Or my new reality.
* * *
The next dayI fronted up for the afternoon shift, grief still present but my heart was lighter than it had been in a while.
“Tania!You’re back!”Jaydy hurried up to the reception desk, a big smile on her face.“You’ll never guess what!”
“What?”I asked, grinning at the big, strong woman I’d known for so long.She was a lovely person, and her beautiful nature shone through in her eyes.“You here to set another personal best?”I asked her, when she didn’t respond straight away.
Jaydy held lots of records in her weight division and was a fantastic example of a strong, fit, healthy power lifter.
She laughed.“Yeah, I’m competing next month, but that’s not what’s awesome.I just got the Potions Master job at our old high school.”
My jaw dropped.“But you… they…”
She grinned at me, totally understanding where my thoughts had gone.“I know, right?They only ever pick the very best, and I’ve never been known for my magic.Especially potions.But I just had this strong feeling that I wanted to give it a go, and somehow I blitzed at the interview.I couldn’t believe it.”
I stared at her, shocked.Was it possible that Harry’s wish had spread wider than simply me?Had the genie wish filtered down to affect all supernatural women like me?Big.Strong.Voluptuous and chubby.
Was our magic now equal to our size?Wonder filled my chest.Then I realized I hadn’t said anything about her announcement.
“Congratulations Jaydy,” I managed, still feeling shocked.“It’s great news.You work so hard at everything, and you really deserve it.”
She headed off into the gym, speaking over her shoulder as she went.“Not really, but I’m still rapt!Thanks Tania!”
I watched her disappear into the gym, my heart filled with joy.If this was possible.if this was really happening…
Oh… this is awesome!
Ever the realist, I still wanted an independent person to give me an opinion.I could just be fooling myself here.
When George arrived for his nightly training session, as he always did at six p.m., I walked over to greet him.
“Hey George.”