Page 41 of I'm Not His Style
“How is that motivating? You’re already doing it.”
I laughed. “Touché.”
“If I win, you have to answer a question,” he said.
“Any question?”
“Yeah. Otherwise, there’s no incentive here.”
I tugged lightly on the hair at his cowlick, then softened my hold to see where it fell naturally. “It’s literally a game of chance.”
“Not really. I have to tap into my knowledge of New York City tourist destinations.”
“Therearea lot of them.”
“And I only have five guesses.”
I moved to the side of his head so I could cut the hair above his ear. He smelled so good, I inhaled and relaxed. “And if you lose, I get to ask a question.”
Good heavens, I hoped he lost. This felt like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to ask him anything in the world. I could ask him to marry me. Or even just for a kiss. Or maybe, so I didn’t seemtoocrazy, for a hug. Mmm, that sounded nice.
“Were you going to Central Park?” he asked.
“You don’t need a ticket for that.” Internally I cheered. One down, four to go.
“Oh, duh.” He lifted one ankle to rest on the other knee.
I tapped his thigh with the edge of my comb. “Foot down or you’ll have an uneven haircut.”
“How do my feet make it uneven?”
“Because your shoulders tilt when you cross your legs. You just don’t notice it.”
He visibly straightened, lowering his foot again. “Times Square?”
“Ticket, remember?”
He cringed. “A museum?”
“That’s cheating! There are about seven billion museums in the city.” I grinned. “But you’re still wrong.”
“Quintessential touristy activity in New York City.” He snapped his fingers. “The Empire State Building.”
I grimaced. So long, free ticket to question Rhett about anything.
Rhett looked over his shoulder at me. “That’s it, isn’t it?”
I lifted my comb and shears in the air in surrender.
His eyes narrowed. “What’s so embarrassing about that?”
“I don’t have a ticket. They were sold out, and I went to beg them to sell me one anyway or make an exception or something.”
“They wouldn’t bend their protocol for a random woman who hadn’t thought ahead far enough to buy a ticket?”
“I didn’t know I’d have tonight off, did I?”