Page 18 of Unbreak My Heart
“He must be a good friend. He spent a few hours outside your door yesterday.”
I look at her, stunned, my open mouth and wide eyes giving away my surprise at her words.
He did what?!
Why didn’t he come in? Why did he stay outside my room?
“Okay, I’m all done,” she says, collecting everything she used to check me.
My muddled brain is too slow to keep up with her, and by the time she’s gone, I still haven’t found the right way to ask for more details about what she shared.
I have just enough time to get settled before the door opens again. My heart thumps loudly in my chest, nearly bumping against my ribcage, and instead jumps into my throat as if really trying to get out of my body. I take a ragged breath, trying to calm my nerves while I wait for Cammy to come in. But a white coat appears, and my heart takes a nosedive, leaving me breathless.
“Mr Sullivan, how are we today?” Dr Pabla asks, entering the room with a smile, and unaware of how disappointed I am that he’s here.
Where is Cammy?
“I’m okay,” I say, when the doctor clears his throat to get my attention, because I’m too busy trying to see beyond the door. Maybe Cammy is still there, waiting for me to be less of an asshole. Even a glimpse right now would right my world.
“Your face is looking better,” the doctor says with a smile. When I don’t reply, he continues. “Let’s take a look at your injuries.”
The room dips into silence, broken only by the doctor’s coat brushing against my body.
I’m not really interested in what he’s doing, so I let him do his job.
I keep my eyes on the door, willing, praying, hoping for it to open again and for Cameron to finally appear so that he can share his beautiful smile with me. But the door stays stubbornly closed, and the hope I had of seeing him again disappears under the reality that I’ve finally managed to break the last link keeping him bound to me.
I always thought, even in the worst moments of my life on the streets, that one day I would walk up to Cameron and apologise. Then declare my love for him.
I always thought that, in the end, my life would be with him.
Nothing, not even selling my body to have a place to live or to have something to eat, has ever crushed the dream of him and me—of us—together forever.
Now, by refusing his help, by refusing his kindness, and by treating him like he was the enemy, I’ve managed to lose him. Forever.
Is it worth living without Cammy? Or without the hope that we’ll be together one day?
“Everything seems to be progressing well. You’re able to walk and take care of your needs. So, I think that we can discharge you tomorrow, or the day after.” He smiles at me happily as he gives me what he thinks is good news.
I nod, and try to smile back, but I think I fall short when he looks at everything else but me.
“We’ll do another scan tomorrow, just to make sure everything’s progressing well with your head trauma. Then we can prepare the documents so you can go home.”
Home? What a joke.
I don’t reply, because what can I say? I don’t have a home. I don’t have anyone. And I pushed the only person who cared about me away.
Cammy, please.
“Okay, young man, I’ll be setting everything up so that you can go home in the next couple of days.”
I nod and push my chin against my chest.
“Tomorrow?” Cameron’s concerned voice fills the small room.
My heart skyrockets so fast the room spins around making me dizzy. It nearly explodes with happiness, because Cammy is here.
“Yeah, this young man is ready to go home. So, if everything is okay with his scan, he’ll be able to leave tomorrow at the earliest. Just in time to spend Christmas with family and friends.” His face is happy, with the good news he thinks he’s giving me.