Page 11 of The Fool
But it was her hair that’d drawn me in.
Auburn, I decided.
It was a mix between a luxurious brown and red. But definitely more brown with hints of red when the light shined just right.
I’d been studying it for who knew how long while we stood in line at security.
As we’d walked and talked on our way through the airport, I’d decided that if things were different, and I wasn’t so dedicated to the new cause, I would have definitely pursued her.
Ten years ago, I wouldn’t have hesitated to get her number.
Now? Well, now life was different, and I loathed everything about my world.
So… I was understandably cautious when it came to women.
I wasn’t going to bring anyone into this shady as fuck world if I didn’t have to.
That didn’t mean I couldn’t enjoy the show, though.
“Uh,” the gate agent said. “That’s…”
“The law. Literally. It’s on the US Department of Transportation. Would you like me to find it for you?” she asked.
“Uhh,” he said hesitantly.
Just as he said that, there was another colossal boom, and then the entire building shook as, beyond the windows, the sky literally disappeared as rain so heavy it was deafening filled the world around us.
The man jerked when his computer did a weird beeping thing, then he slumped in relief.
“The flight that you were originally on was just canceled,” he said. “I’ll book you on that one in three hours.”
My lips quirked as I pulled the woman into me and said, “Make sure you get her on that flight, too.”
He did.
Both of us, side by side, in first class.
“Thank you, sir,” I said. “I appreciate you helping.”
He still looked slightly nauseous as we walked away.
“That was great,” I said. “Where’d you learn all that information about flights?”
“I’m in the aviation industry,” she said. “I’m at airports quite a bit, to be honest. And my best friend’s also a pilot for American Airlines to keep up her pilot license on the ‘big birds’ as she calls them. My next step would’ve been to call her and get her to pull some strings for us.”
I grinned at her. “What do you do in the aviation industry?”
Just as I asked that, another deafening boom sounded, causing her to jump.
She lost her balance and started to tip over, her belongings in her hands causing her to be slightly off balance.
“Shit,” she cursed as I caught her before she could so much as head even an inch toward the ground. “Oh, God. Thank you. I’m the most uncoordinated person on the planet. When I say that I fall at least twice a day, it’s no exaggeration.”
“I would say under normal circumstances, you wouldn’t be scared half to death by the thunder,” I teased.
“True,” she said.
I watched her as she took a look around. “Fancy an overpriced meal?”