Page 22 of The Fool
We’d been texting since we’d parted ways, and I didn’t know if I even knew how to function without her witty humor and sweetness anymore.
We also talked on the phone every night if we could, but over the last four days that I’d been rescuing children from deviants who deserved to be mutilated and left for dead in the desert sun, I’d missed nearly every single one of her calls.
Since she didn’t immediately respond, I switched over to a text thread with my sisters and started talking.
Me: I met a girl.
Simi: Oh my God. Is she imaginary?
Me: No. Real flesh and blood.
Crimson: Winston told me that your phone has been glued to your hand. I hadn’t noticed. But I’m glad to know that my husband can notice this but can’t notice that the trash can needed emptied yesterday.
Val: Who is this girl that you speak of?
Me: I met her at the airport a few weeks ago. She was on that really bad flight with me that made national news, remember?
Tony: I wonder when we’ll get to meet her?
Zip: Probably never. His sparkling personality will run her off before we get the chance.
I rolled my eyes.
But she wasn’t wrong.
I usually ran them off way before I got to the introduction stage of the relationship.
There was something about Ande, though. Something that I knew would be a forever kind of thing. If we allowed it.
Ande: Well, I just saw the nastiest looking penis I’ve ever seen in my life. Ol’ dude decided to stick it in a penis pump for four days to hopefully make it bigger, and in turn it got infected, and there is gangrene involved.
I winced.
That sounded… awful.
Me: Does it help if I say that I miss you?
Hades: Wrong thread, bro. Glad to know that you’re human and have the capacity to miss someone, though.
I rolled my eyes, said my goodbyes to the group chat, then resent the original message in the correct thread.
Me: Does it help if I say that I miss you?
Ande: Obviously. Fancy a trip to Hazard, Nebraska?
Hazard, Nebraska had never been on my radar before, but that was when there wasn’t a gorgeous woman who’d stolen my heart on an airplane living there.
I could go straight there, but I’d require medical attention.
And I didn’t want her to freak out just yet.
I wanted her to get to know me before I told her what I did with my spare time.
Me: I would love to, but I have to get back and act like I actually want Circus House to be a successful business.
Ande: That’s awfully responsible of you.
Me: I know, right? Sometimes I surprise even myself.