Page 3 of The Fool
Simi, Tony, Hades, Crimson, Val, and Zip.
One would think after thirty plus years of dealing with this constant bickering I’d be used to it by now. Apparently, that was never going to be the case.
“All I’m saying is if you use Coco and Melon in this show, the rest of the group is going to want more of them. They love them, and they’re always very popular, but I thought we were stepping away from the live animal thing,” Hades pointed out.
“That’s true,” Zip sighed.
“But they’re popular! And this is our five-year anniversary!” Tony cried. “Give me your gun, I’m going to shoot her.”
I rolled my eyes.
But speaking of guns…
“Hey, did you know that Coco really, really likes the laser on my gun?” I asked.
All of them turned to me.
“Why would she know that she liked that?” Zip teased.
“Well,” I said, “I was cleaning my gun, and then I was testing out the new sight, and here we are.”
“She did not!” Tony cried out in surprise, laughter filling her voice.
“She really did!” I exclaimed. “She likes the red dot just as much as a regular house cat!”
Tony, also known as Caristonia, shook her head in disbelief.
“You’re lying,” she said again.
“No, really,” I said as I pulled the gun from my back and pointed it. “Look.”
I pressed the button on the gun that activated the red dot and Coco launched herself off the perch she was on, aiming for the wall where the laser dot was located.
The cat hit the dot with a meaty thud of her massive tiger paw and growled.
“That’s…” Hades, one of my other sisters, shook her head in disbelief. “It’s probably a good thing we didn’t know she’d do this before we were all mature and shit.”
I laughed and holstered my unloaded gun.
Why was it unloaded? Because I was headed to the airport, and I was checking it in my luggage.
Today I would be heading out on a flight to the other side of the United States to meet up with my team—who consequently lived nowhere near one another—to discuss a child abduction.
Once a plan was hatched, we’d do the mission, and hopefully I’d be home in time to be the ringmaster at the next show.
Five years ago, when everyone started popping out babies, it was decided that we’d change the days the circus was open from Tuesday through Saturday to Friday through Sunday only. And we also took off all major holidays.
One would think we wouldn’t make any money doing this, but surprisingly, we made triple the amount we used to. Though, that could be because of the popularity of who all of my sisters were married to.
Val, who was sitting on the couch with her sisters, went totally off topic, as always, “I hated breast feeding.”
“I hate even more that I have to watch y’all breast feed,” I continued to no one in particular.
All of them had kids now, though.
It’d been four years of fast and furious deliveries and two adoptions, but now there were no less than eight kids running around at any given time.
Coffey and Simi had three. Tony and Slone had two. Slone had one from a previous relationship who Tony had adopted. And together they’d adopted another little boy from a friend who wasn’t ready to become a parent. Crimson and Winston had one. Val and Felix had one. Zip and Nash had two. Hades and Hannibal had two.