Page 32 of The Fool
“What did our little hacker find out?” I asked as I started folding the blanket.
“Keene, look at me.”
The tone of her voice had my head snapping up.
“That girl you met at the airport that you’re not sharing anything about? Well, we invaded your privacy and had Folsom look into her. We’re sorry. Really sorry. But something happened yesterday.”
I sat up straight.
Was that why she wasn’t answering my calls and texts?
“Is she okay?” I asked, voice sounding a bit more rough than usual.
“She’s okay,” she hesitated. “But her sister isn’t. According to the search Folsom did when her name pinged, her twin sister, Addison, died of an apparent overdose.”
My brows rose.
“But here’s the thing,” she said hurriedly. “The girl didn’t commit suicide. She was this health-conscious nut who didn’t take anything that was even remotely medication-like. She didn’t even take Tylenol or Ibuprofen, according to the search into her. She had a prescription for those pills, filled by a doctor on base. But she’s never even once gone to the base doctor outside of the routine physicals she’s forced to do. Everyone she sees is holistic, and she pays out of pocket to them because her insurance doesn’t cover them. There’s something shady going on here.”
I slumped and started to rub at my face with both hands. “How the hell do I tell this woman that I’m really into that my sisters are huge invaders of privacy, and know literally no boundaries?”
“She’s home,” Zip said, ignoring me. “She flew in early. She’s been at her house alone for thirty minutes.”
I stood up, tucking the blanket underneath my arm. “You know who she is, right?”
I looked at her. “Who?”
“Her,” she said, pointing at my blanket.
“More info, please,” I urged, not feeling the desire to play a guessing game when she clearly had the answers.
“Her name is Ande Carter. She’s the sibling of the man that Val saved five years ago,” she said. “Remember?”
I opened my mouth, and then closed it.
“Really?” I asked, surprised.
“Really,” she said. “Did you not get her name?”
“I mean, I got it,” I admitted. “And she told me she had a ton of siblings, but I never made the connections.”
“Well…” she shook her head. “This is big. They’re going to flip when they know you’re dating their sister. Their only sister, now.”
If I thought that it would be tough to get in there before, I had no doubt the impossibility now. To say that our family was tight knit would be an understatement. But their family? At any given moment, the entire clan of Carters knew the pulse of every single one of their family members.
I knew that because every once in a while, I’d run into them in the area—the particular suburb of Dallas we were in was quite small—and every single one of them, and us, lived here.
It was inevitable that I’d run into them.
And never once had I seen either of the sisters out, and when I had, they’d closed rank and swept her away before I even made it up to them.
I’d thought it was funny before, them being so overprotective, but now I was wondering how this was going to work out for me.
If they didn’t like the idea of me meeting their sister, how would they feel when they found out I’d not only met her, but slept with her?
“Fuck,” I grumbled out. “But she’s at their place alone right now?”
“She’s at her parents’ place,” Zip answered. “Folsom said that…”