Page 97 of The Fool
“It’s not like I consciously wanted to leave you out of this,” I said for what had to be the fourteenth time since they’d gotten here. “Y’all all have careers, and it’s not my fault if you actually care about the letter of the law. I thought I was doing you a favor by keeping you out of it.”
“What you did was make us blind,” Quinn grumbled.
“What she did was keep your precious job safe,” Shayne countered. “My God, man. You chose that job over me. Let’s quit actin’ like you wouldn’t choose that job over your own sister.”
There was silence, and then Val’s man, Felix, said, “Well not that this isn’t fun, but I’m due at work. Maybe someone with a hole in his foot will walk in and I can actually participate.”
Felix wasn’t necessarily a violent man, but he did have certain attitudes when it came to protecting women that were a bit over the top.
“One can only hope,” I teased.
“Where. Is. She.”
If you ever feel bad, just remember the devil went down to Georgia to steal a soul and lost a fiddle contest instead. What a loser.
-Keene to Ande
“You think this’ll work?” I asked.
“I think that we have to hope it works.” Winston winced. “What do you think, Autry?”
“I think this entire thing is a shitshow, and we should burn their world down,” Autry added his two cents.
The rest of the team snorted, completely agreeing with him.
Today, what had started out as just a reconnaissance mission had turned into a ‘we’re getting this done because we can’t stand to see the torture continue’ kind of mission.
We weren’t even out of the United States.
We were in a hovel outside of a rural town in Oklahoma, of all places.
We weren’t even an hour and a half from Dallas, as the crow flies.
The fact this kind of thing was so close to our home was disgusting and disheartening.
“I think it’s going to have to work,” Winston finally said. “Let’s do it. Everyone’s phones are off, right, LaDerrick?”
LaDerrick was Winston’s computer guy and gave even Folsom a run for her money sometimes.
One day, it was looking like he’d be better.
“Yeah, but I’m short-staffed today,” he admitted. “Jareth had to go home with the stomach flu. So I might miss something if I’m needed to monitor your phones as well as the feed…”
“It’s fine,” Winston said. “Our girls are together. If anything happens, they can call Nash, Coffey, Hannibal, or Felix.”
Something stuck with me at those words.
I loved that Ande had my family as well as hers.
That didn’t mean that I liked being incommunicado.
“What are the odds that this sick fuck of a brother-in-law…” I gave Winston a look. “Okay, so he wasn’t a brother-in-law, per se, but he was married to the woman who was the twin of the woman you love. It’s easier to say brother-in-law than that.”
At my glare, he continued. “Anyway, what are the odds this dude leads you to this?”