Page 41 of Baby Daddy Wanted
- Maeve -
Maybe he really did think I was beautiful. He had called me stunning on New Year's Eve.
I guess I was just wary because I wasn't exactly in the mood to take men at their word. Not that I should punish Finn for the fact that I hadn't yet decided how embarrassed I was by Kurt's public betrayal.
Regardless, Finn's brand of self-deprecating confidence was refreshing. It was almost as if he wanted me to like him but also wanted me to know he didn't care either way. Maybe we had more in common than I thought.
"Where exactly did you imagine we'd watch this epic film?" I asked, swirling the last sip of wine in my glass.
"My place," he said with a shrug, his dark blue sweater making his eyes pop a heck of a lot more than the Tacocat shirt did.
I tried to imagine his musician digs, complete with tatty couches and wrinkled posters on the wall. Was I rebounding hard right now or was he sincere?
"Not only because I’m sure I have a nicer TV than you, but because that's where your New Year's kiss is."
I swallowed.
"Hope you don't mind that I haven't been carrying it around."
My eyes fell to his forearms, and I found myself wishing I'd admired them more before he covered them up.
"Don't want to lose it."
"So you don't have it on you now?" I joked.
"'I’m afraid not," he said, as if we were talking about something as tangible as a bus pass.
"Can I get you another drink?" I asked, raising my hand to get Brian's attention to hide my disappointment that Finn had no intention of kissing me tonight.
"Absolutely not," he said. "I'm annoyed you paid for that one."
Brian braced himself against the other side of the bar and raised his brows.
"We’ll take another round," Finn said. "And don't let me catch you charging this woman for another drink, or we're going to have words."
Brian’s face twisted defensively. "She's a customer."
"Her money's no good here," Finn said. "Put her drinks on my tab from now on.”
Brian cocked his head. “But you never pay your tab."
"That's a separate conversation," Finn said, scowling until his friend walked away.
"I can pay for my own drinks," I said as soon as I could get a word in edgewise.
He turned to me. "I know you can."
"I don't want you to think I'm a mooch."
"Are you always this difficult when people try to do nice things for you?"
"I'm not being difficult,” I said. “I just don't want to take advantage."
"You could just say thanks, you know. It's not always about you."
“Please, Finn.” I pulled my wallet from my purse. “I don't want to contribute to your tab. Especially if it's a tab you never pay."