Page 60 of Baby Daddy Wanted
My brows lifted.
“There’s no plan B.”
“I’m sure it will be fine,” I said. “As long as you don’t quote the entire film from start to finish, saying all the lines right before the actors do.”
“Fine.” He let his head fall my way. “As long as you know I could if I wanted.”
Rock and roll spilled from the surround sound as the movie’s intro kicked off, and I felt anxious all of a sudden at the idea of sitting still through the whole thing.
Being alone with Finn made my fingers and toes tingle with electricity, so I tried to distract myself from the sensation by recalling the last time I watched a movie with a man…
It was with Kurt, obviously. The King’s Speech. And while I understood that it wasn’t called Maeve’s Speech, I remember being annoyed by the way he shushed me every time I made a comment.
I don’t know if he got off on shushing me at home since he didn’t have the luxury of talking down to me at work or if he simply preferred Colin Firth’s stuttering company to my own. All I knew was that I’d been foolish to waste my time with him.
But hindsight was no use to me now. What I needed now was foresight. Because no matter what happened in the next ninety minutes, this wasn’t really a date. Finn thought I was a project, nothing more. He’d made that quite clear.
So imagine my surprise when he pulled a ratty, blind mouse from between the pillows thirty minutes into the film, wafted it under Otis’s nose until his furry brows lifted, and threw it across the room, opening up the space between us. Then he scooted closer and draped his arm over the back of the couch, sending me spiraling into a state of giddy distraction.
I hid it well, though, pretending not to notice when he stole glances my way. Then again, I wasn’t sure whether he was checking me out or simply making sure I got the jokes. But when his fingertips slid up the base of my scalp, I got my first glimpse of what his strong hands were actually capable of.
“Uhh,” I said, embarrassed at the breathy way the sound slipped out.
He smiled and continued the slow massage, causing chunks of my hair to escape from the clip holding it up.
And I knew what was happening as I relaxed against his fingertips, my eyelids growing heavy. But I couldn’t see any harm in letting him turn me on. After all, it was what I wanted, right? Or I never would’ve agreed to be alone with him like this. “Please tell me that’s your best move,” I said, fighting the urge to moan.
A low laugh rattled up his throat.
And the more I leaned into his strong hand, the less I believed I’d stop him if it wandered.
But he was so casual with his attention, like massaging my scalp was the most natural thing in the world. It made me want to be natural, too. Made me want to surprise him right back.
So without a word, I reached up and pulled my clip out, letting my long hair fall over his hand and around my shoulders. Then I turned towards him, my heart skipping when I saw the ravenous look in his eyes. “Operation Hair Down is officially a go,” I whispered.
And without missing a beat, he answered me with a kiss.