Page 132 of Head Over Heels
* * *
Two weeks had gone by.
She wasn’t any better.
In fact, she was worse. Ryder avoided all contact with her. If she was outside, he was in. If their paths happened to cross, it was awkward, brief, and filled with tension.
Only a week away, the Fourth Festival thankfully kept her so busy her days were filled. One thing she’d learned about her time in Revival was small-town citizens were far more involved than Chicago ones ever seemed to be, and they barraged her with constant questions and suggestions.
It filled the endless hours, and that was all she cared about.
This afternoon, she sat in Earl’s Diner across from Maddie, pretending to eat. She’d lost weight and was starting to look model thin, so at least she had that going for her.
“Soph?” Maddie asked.
Sophie blinked her into focus. She’d drifted off again. Her brain was always so fuzzy, so clouded and hazy. “What?”
“I asked if you were okay.” Her friend’s face was creased with concern.
“I’m fine,” she lied, before clearing her throat and delivering the news. “François called this morning. I’m going in for the first round of interviews the Tuesday after the festival.”
Maddie’s pretty face pulled tight. “Is that what you want?”
“Of course.” It was the only bright spot in her life at the moment. “It’s a great opportunity.”
Maddie’s brows furrowed. She opened her mouth and closed it again, shaking her head.
There was silence before she finally sighed. “I know it’s a great opportunity, but I guess I’m asking you to think about it. Think about what really makes you happy.”
Defensiveness sat heavy in her stomach, and short on sleep, she snapped, “Why is everyone putting this on me? What? Because I’m the girl, I need to give up my entire life for a guy?”
“What? No!” Maddie ran a hand through her red hair. “It’s not that.”
“Then what is it?”
“You’re just so unhappy.”
“I’ll get over it.” She was sure she wouldn’t, but she had to believe this would pass.
“All I’m saying is Ryder wanted to talk about a future. Would it be so horrible if you at least heard what he had to say?”
“For what purpose?”
“Did you ever consider maybe he’d want to go with you? If Chicago is really what you want?”
Sophie’s mouth fell open and she sputtered. “Of course not.”
“Why? When it’s so clear you guys are miserable apart.”
“Ryder isn’t going to give up his life to move to Chicago with me.”
“How do you know that?”
Sophie took a deep breath. “Why on earth would he?”
Maddie’s head tilted and she touched Sophie’s hand across the table.