Page 16 of Head Over Heels
Chapter Five
Sophie glared, her pretty face filled with fury and something else Ryder thought he recognized ... excitement.
The license and registration she’d so graciously held out were snatched back as she gaped at him. Thank God he’d never told her his profession, because her expression right now was well worth it.
It had taken everything in him to not burst out laughing at her surprised horror.
She narrowed those big doe eyes at him. “You’re not going to give me a ticket.”
He cocked a brow. “You so sure about that?”
He wasn’t, actually. He didn’t pull people over anymore, and he hadn’t had the radar on her, but as soon as he’d seen her speeding he hadn’t been able to resist pulling her over.
Of course, he should have resisted, but so far the decision was hard to regret.
She tilted her chin. “I wasn’t even speeding.”
He let his gaze fall to her full mouth and thought of all the reasons he couldn’t kiss her. He pushed away the idea of engaging in a very inappropriate abuse of power.
He held out his hands. “License and registration, ma’am.”
She huffed and slapped it into his hands. “I’m going to tell Charlie about this.”
“Go ahead. He’ll side with me.” He looked down at her license. So she was only five-two, and by the looks of her wasn’t lying about her weight. But it was her picture that stopped him. It was, by far, the worst picture he’d ever seen. The DMV employee clearly had a grudge against her, because they’d caught her half-lidded, mid grimace. “I see they captured you on a good day.”
“You just shut up.”
“Is that any way to talk to a man that holds your insurance rates in his hands?”
She gripped the steering wheel tighter. “Is threatening a harmless citizen any way to correct the public perception of rampant police corruption?”
In his vast history with women, he’d never met any he liked arguing with this much. Every interaction with her was like a mini adventure. “Honey, you are the least harmless woman I’ve ever met.”
She still wore the white tank top and gray shorts from that morning. She still looked hot as hell. Her eyes went wide and innocent as she put a hand on her fantastic chest. “Me? I’m like a quiet little mouse.”
He raised a brow. “Tell that to my garage door.”
“That door was asking for it.” She waved a hand behind her. “Besides, I already ordered a brand-new proper one with a lock that doesn’t need to be taken to dinner first before it allows me to enter.”
He laughed. “Did anyone ever tell you that you have a sharp tongue?”
She reached out and plucked her license out of his hands. “Nope. Everyone else thinks I’m lovely.”
“So they don’t really know you.”
She rolled her eyes at him. “You’ve known me for less than twenty-four hours, so you, sir, are no authority.”
He wasn’t quite sure about that. Something told him he was getting the real Sophie Kincaid, but before he could decide for certain he needed to see her react with other people. He snatched her license back and she made a grab for it, but he held it out of her reach. “If I run your license, what am I going to find?”
She smiled sweetly. “That I’m an excellent driver.”
“So no tickets?”
“Hardly any.”
He narrowed his eyes. Her expression was far too innocent. Far too pleasant. As though she hid something. “So you haven’t been pulled over recently.”
Her brows furrowed for a fraction of a second before she shrugged. “That’s not what you asked. You asked if I have tickets.”