Page 2 of Head Over Heels
She pushed the number, and when Penelope didn’t answer, Sophie ended the call and dialed again. Penelope was COO of her husband’s brother’s commercial real estate company and always busy. But if she called enough, Penelope would know something was wrong and answer.
Sophie called her three more times before Penelope picked up. “What’s wrong?”
Sophie was often called spirited, but she certainly wasn’t prone to dramatics. “Sorry to bother you, but I need help.”
“Is everything okay?” Penelope’s voice was all business.
“No.” Sophie’s throat tightened and she shook her head before clearing it. “I’m being taken to the Chicago FBI office over on Roosevelt. I need a lawyer to meet me there.”
There was ten seconds of complete silence before Penelope sprang into action. “What happened?”
“I don’t know.” The agent made a wrap-it-up signal with his hand. “Best-case scenario, I’m out of a job. Worst case, I’m going to be arrested.”
“We’ll be right there.” Then Penelope was gone.
Sophie took another sip of her coffee, set it on her former desk, and stood, smoothing out her black skirt. Sure, her entire life was ruined, but that was no excuse for wrinkles.
Head held high, she squared her shoulders. “I’m ready.”