Page 29 of Head Over Heels
Maybe they didn’t talk directly, but they practically burned up the place with long, lingering looks. They sat across from each other, and Gracie leaned over to whisper something in Sophie’s ear that had her throwing her head back.
In the low golden light of the fire he couldn’t take his goddamn eyes off her. He didn’t know what it was about her, but he fucking wanted her with a ferocity he didn’t quite know what to do with.
From across the table the laughter died down and her gaze slid to his. Locked and held.
She picked up her drink and sipped it while they pretty much screwed on the table. He kept telling himself what a bad idea she was, but his body wasn’t getting the message.
“Oh, I know,” Maddie said in a too-loud voice.
He jerked his attention from Sophie and onto the redhead, who now sat in her husband’s lap.
She straightened, jabbing her elbow into Mitch’s stomach. He winced. “Ouch!”
She giggled. “Sorry.”
He narrowed his eyes on her. “Why don’t I believe you?”
She lowered her lashes. “Because you’re super smart.”
“Flattery will get you everywhere, Princess.” Mitch grinned at his wife with exasperated affection.
She winked at him and then turned back to the group. She looked at Sophie, Ryder, Bill, and Cheryl, swinging a beer bottle in their direction. “I have an idea.”
Ryder straightened, his instincts kicking in. Wherever this was going wasn’t going to be good.
“Since you four are all new in town, you guys should all go out together. Like a double date.” She grinned and looked at Sophie. “I’m sure Bill would love to show you around town.”
Sophie’s gaze slid to Ryder’s, then yanked away.
Bill really was a nice guy. All wrong for Sophie, but still nice. Contemplating murder was probably unreasonable.
Bill held up his hands and laughed. “No pressure. I mean, I’ll be happy to take you out for a night. But don’t feel obligated with Maddie putting you on the spot.”
Ryder would not kill him. He wouldn’t. He was duty bound to protect and serve, not maim.
Sophie tucked her hair behind her ear and straightened.
Maddie clapped her hands. “Oh, come on, you guys will have so much fun.”
Cheryl, the cute brunette nurse, bit her lip and gave Ryder a shy smile. “This is really awkward.”
Maddie did her best to look contrite. “I know I’m terrible. But I think you’d have a fun time, and it will be a great way to meet people.”
Cheryl was also very nice and sweet. Since they’d met, she’d been giving him very subtle clues that she was interested in him. He’d thought about asking her out. She seemed like the kind of woman he was supposed to date now that he’d decided to settle down and be good. He’d see her out or at a night like tonight, and they’d chat. After they parted ways, he’d tell himself he’d call her.
Only he kept forgetting.
Apparently Maddie thought a double date with his new neighbor was just the thing to put them on the path to cordial friendship.
He looked at Sophie.
She looked back at him.
Everyone waited. Bill and Cheryl had made it clear they were game, and how would it look if they said no? What good reason did they have to say no?
Sophie shrugged, putting on a bright smile. “That would be great. Thanks.”