Page 6 of Head Over Heels
She had a bee in her bonnet, now didn’t she? He jutted his chin in the direction of his house. “If you need anything, I’m right next door to help you out.”
“I won’t need anything.” She huffed, waving a hand. “You won’t even know I’m here.”
He crossed his arms and mimicked her posture. “Somehow I doubt that, honey.”
If anything, her stance grew more formidable. She locked her legs and slammed her hands on her hips, giving him the first clear view of a very nice rack. She had quite the chest on her for such a little thing. Not huge, not porn-star material, but soft, rounded, and full.
The snap of her voice refocused his attention back on her face. “My name is Sophie.”
She really was cute all riled up. He raised a brow. “Are you sure you don’t want me to call you Ms. Kincaid?”
She narrowed her eyes. “Since you won’t know I’m here, you won’t have to call me anything.”
He laughed.
Maddie cleared her throat and came to stand next to her. She gave Ryder a huge, aw-shucks grin that raised the fine hairs on the back of his neck. Never trust a redhead with a too-innocent smile; they’re almost always up to something. “Thanks so much for giving Sophie a short-term lease.”
“Not a problem,” he said, slowly. “You know I’m always happy to help.”
She turned a pleading expression on Sophie. “Ryder gave you a great deal and did me a huge favor.”
Sophie narrowed her eyes on him before tilting her chin even higher. “Thank you. I appreciate it.”
Somehow he doubted that too. He glanced around. “Are your movers on the way?”
Before Sophie could speak, Maddie interjected, “They’ll be here soon.”
“You girls have help?” He scrubbed a hand over his stubble-covered jaw. It had been a hell of a night, and all he wanted was a shower and bed.
Sophie rolled her eyes. “We don’t need help.”
She was a sassy one. He shrugged one shoulder. “I wasn’t offering, baby doll.”
She gave him a disgusted huff. “Oh God, you’re one of those.”
Now this he had to hear. “One of what?”
“One of those guys that calls women insipid endearments like honey, and baby, and sweetie, instead of humanizing her with an actual name.”
Maddie opened her mouth to speak. “We—”
Sophie cut her off and kept right on going. “But I suppose with a name like Ryder Moore, I can’t blame you.”
He raised a brow. “What’s wrong with Ryder?”
She rolled her eyes. “Did your mom watch too many soaps?”
“It’s my granddaddy’s name.” He smirked. “I’ll tell him you don’t approve.”
“Whatever.” She waved a hand. “We’ve got work to do. Come on, girls.” Without waiting to see if they followed, she turned around and sashayed her little ass away from him.
When she hit the top step of the porch, he called out helpfully, “Don’t forget rent’s due on the first, darlin’.”
Without even looking back she gave him the finger, then stalked into the house, the door slamming behind her.
He looked at her two friends. Maddie he knew well, but the composed brunette, Penelope, he’d only met a few times. She was the wife of Evan Donovan, former wide receiver turned coach.
He cocked his head at them. “Well now, isn’t she a hostile one.”