Page 68 of Head Over Heels
“But I was super happy before it all came crashing down.” She had been, she’d barely had a second’s free time, but she’d been happy.
“That’s what you kept saying, but I don’t know . . .”
“I’m good, Mads.” Sophie patted her hand. “I promise.”
“Good, because we’re your family, you know that, right?”
“Of course,” she said automatically. She understood they all thought that, even though she’d always considered herself a bit removed. Never assimilated the way Penelope had been.
The light of mischief lit her friend’s expression. “Soooo, do I have to bring up Ryder? Or will you?”
Sophie swallowed a bite of her apple. And here they were, at the man invading her life from every angle. “Did you know he’s kind of my boss?”
Her friend laughed. “No way. How’s that even possible?”
“Apparently he’s the project lead on the festivals.” Sophie’s eyes narrowed. “Like you didn’t know. This is a small town, I thought everyone knew everyone else’s business.”
“Well, yeah, sure.” Maddie laughed, hearty and warm. “But I don’t know who’s on what project team.”
Finished with her snack, Sophie dragged a hand through her hair. “Now I’ve got to live next door to him and work with him. It’s hell.”
“Hmmm . . . It didn’t look like you were suffering too much yesterday when I found him on top of you.”
“Ha!” Sophie waved a hand. “That just shows what you know.”
“That bad, huh?” Maddie’s voice was filled with feigned sympathy.
“It’s terrible.”
“So what’s going on?”
“Nothing.” The word was quick and unconvincing. She thought of the mark on her neck, left by his teeth sinking into her flesh. The way her knees quivered and she’d wanted to clutch at him. “He kissed me a few times, no big deal. Right now we’re working on being friends.”
Maddie nodded. “Sounds like a plan.”
Something that felt a lot like disappointment welled in her chest. A part of her wanted Maddie to press, if only so she could make sense of her emotions. Sophie was an extrovert. Talking it out helped her process. Only without direct questions, she didn’t know what to say.
Sophie scowled at her friend. “You should have warned me about him.”
Lily kicked her legs against the base of her high chair and Maddie pushed a Cheerio at her. “It didn’t occur to me.”
Sophie stared at her wide-eyed. “I know you’re all blissfully married, but have you seen him? Even Penelope made a comment.”
“You’re totally right, I don’t know what I was thinking.” Maddie’s lips twitched. “Disclosing your hot landlord should have been the first thing on my list to discuss with you.”
“Exactly!” Sophie pressed her hand to her hot cheeks. “Maddie?”
In answer, her friend tilted her head.
She blew out a deep breath and confessed what she’d refused to even admit to herself. “He brought me dinner. And drove ten miles out of his way to bring me coffee. I think I like him.”
“Oh,” Maddie said.
Sophie looked away, studying Maddie’s beautiful kitchen with all its handmade cabinets and state-of-the-art appliances. They’d kept the decor true to the farmhouse’s origins, and it was quite spectacular, although Sophie cared more about clothes than houses. She said softly, “Do you have any idea how long it’s been since I liked someone?”
“Yeah, I do.” Maddie’s voice was soft.
Sophie wrinkled her nose. Her friends worried about her, fretted over her being the last one to fall in love. She’d tried not to mind, and really she hadn’t. She didn’t even think about kids and a family. She’d always liked being single. What she didn’t like was the stuff that came with it. All those holidays people spent with their families, and her parents were in the far-off corners of the world. They always invited her, and she always went because she knew they’d be concerned if she didn’t. But you don’t bring a casual date to Christmas. She barely even talked about men these days because there hadn’t been anyone worth mentioning in a long time.