Page 73 of Head Over Heels
“Sophie is bored by my best behavior.” Not that it mattered any longer.
“That’s a pretty fantastic trait in a woman,” Charlie said.
“Yeah, it is.” Ryder’s brows knitted as he thought through the last couple of days. He’d underestimated his emotions, and he didn’t like it one bit. He’d hoped she’d agree to at least something, but she hadn’t, and he’d promised. “It doesn’t matter. I laid it out for her, and she asked me to stay away. What can I do?”
“Well, obviously something else is going on with her, because I know it’s not lack of interest or chemistry.”
Ryder narrowed his gaze. “How do you know that?”
Charlie laughed. “This is Revival. You guys are the talk of City Hall.”
Ryder frowned. “We’ve kept it very professional.”
Charlie nodded. “I don’t doubt you believe that, but everyone else is waiting for you to go at it during the next project meeting. Griffin said you guys have so much tension, after every meeting he goes home to take the edge off with Darcy.”
Ryder rolled his eyes. “So I’m helping Griffin get laid. Awesome.”
“I’m not sure Griffin needs help getting laid by his wife, but the point is you guys reek of sex and it’s making everyone horny.”
Ryder pinched the bridge of his nose. “How is this helpful?”
“I’m just saying the evidence suggests she’s in as bad a shape as you are. So there’s other factors at work here.”
Ryder shrugged. “Other than her saying it’s not a good idea, she won’t tell me.”
Charlie’s expression turned speculative.
Frowning, Ryder asked, “What?”
“This isn’t consistent with the Sophie I know.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means everything I’ve ever heard about Sophie is she never plays it safe. She’s impulsive and spirited and confrontational. Maddie once told us a story about getting into trouble with some guys in high school and how Sophie tried to rescue her and take them all down herself. One of them tried to punch Sophie, and Maddie said she went ballistic on the guy, kicked him in the balls, and made him cry like a baby. Sophie rushes in and thinks later. So why is she thinking ahead now?”
Ryder scrubbed a hand over his jaw. “I have no idea. I can only take her at her word. If she wants to be neighbors, I’m not sure the reasons matter. I have to respect her decision.”
Charlie sighed. “Guys with blue balls are such idiots.”
“If you have something to say, just say it.” He delivered the words through gritted teeth.
“She’s running scared.” Charlie smirked, cocking a brow. “And so are you.”
Defensiveness immediately reared up, raising the hair on the back of Ryder’s neck. “How do you figure? I’m the one that wanted to go for it.”
“But you’re playing it safe, which isn’t your way and sure as hell isn’t hers. Stop trying to manage your attraction to her.”
“I’m not.” Anger was like a hot poker in his side, letting him know Charlie was on to something. All his years in law enforcement had taught him volatile emotions always hid something. As soon as a suspect got riled, they were headed down the right path.
“You said she was bored by good behavior,” Charlie pointed out.
“Yeah, so?”
“So why haven’t you stopped the meeting and pulled her into the storage closet yet?”
His brow furrowed. Because ... he was playing it safe.
And Charlie was right, he was scared. He’d never met anyone like Sophie, and she was leaving. He’d done the right thing, believing it was for her, but for the wrong reasons. He’d bullshitted himself. He blinked. “You’re right.”