Page 80 of Head Over Heels
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God, he was the most frustrating man on the planet. Two could play this game.
Sophie plastered a pleasant expression on her face and walked through the restaurant, following as the hostess led them through tables to a corner booth where Bill and Cheryl were already seated.
Bill sat on one side of the booth, Cheryl on the other. They’d appeared deep in conversation, only stopping when Ryder and Sophie stood in front of them. The hostess put the menus on the table and stepped away.
Sophie waggled her fingers. “Hi.”
Bill smiled at her. “Hey, you guys made it.”
“We did,” she said, nodding. She turned her attention to Cheryl, dressed in a cute floral sundress in pastels. A look Sophie could never pull off in a million years, but the other woman made it work. She was very pretty—sweet and innocent, but pretty. The right man would want to mess her up and defile her. Sophie smiled. “You look pretty.” She craned over her shoulder to smirk at Ryder. “Doesn’t she?”
His gaze flickered before he shifted to Cheryl. “Very much so. Like a breath of fresh air.”
Cheryl appeared as though she might faint on the spot. Her lashes fluttered. “Thank you.”
All wrong for Ryder, who needed someone who could go toe-to-toe with him.
Cheryl glanced at Sophie. “You look great too.”
She hoped so, she’d worked damn hard at it. “Thanks.”
“Have you been waiting long?” Ryder asked from behind her.
Cheryl cast a furtive glance at him, and a pretty flush broke out over her cheeks.
Sophie resisted an eye roll. God, could the woman stroke his ego a little harder? It was clear by the way she bit her lip and tried not to look at Ryder she had a crush on him. And why wouldn’t she? The man was so seriously hot it was ridiculous. But she didn’t have to be all blushy about it.
“Not at all,” Bill said, his voice light and pleasant. Bill was no slouch in the looks department. He was built like a football player, tall and broad. He’d do quite well. She just had to shift her focus off Ryder.
Since Bill was her date, she slid into the booth next to him, and Ryder did the same next to Cheryl.
Their eyes caught and held.
Well, now, wasn’t this cozy.
Sophie jerked her attention to the table. “This is fun. After trying to get acclimated, it’s great to get out and let off some steam.”
Bill shifted to the corner, sliding his arm along the back of the booth and behind Sophie’s head. “I heard you’ve been getting rave reviews.”
“She has,” Ryder said, his gaze skimming over her. “Sophie’s not only organized but she’s charismatic. She’s already met with half the town, it seems.”
She held out her hands. “I’m just doing my job.”
“It’s great,” Cheryl said, shifting toward Ryder and flashing him an angelic smile. “The whole town is excited about the Fourth of July Festival.”
Sophie’s belly tightened with what she refused to name as jealousy.
“It’s fun to be involved, but it’s not nearly as important as the work you do at the clinic,” Sophie said, politely.
“Sophie’s right.” Ryder slanted a glance at Cheryl, whose cheeks pinkened with his gaze on her.
Poor girl, she might be crushing on Ryder hard, but she’d never be able to handle him. She’d die of shyness. Sophie’s brows furrowed. What did they say about the quiet ones? That they were the most wild.
Sophie studied Cheryl with her demure sundress, neat hair, and restrained makeup. She couldn’t imagine her wild. Couldn’t imagine Ryder sliding between her legs and whispering dirty things in her ear. Couldn’t imagine him kissing Cheryl the way he kissed her, like he’d eat her alive. Like he was trying to communicate how he planned to fuck her by his mouth alone.
Her core heated at the mere thought of it. Stop.