Page 99 of Head Over Heels
Ryder reached over, pulled her close, and whispered in her ear, “You are trouble.”
“Would you have it any other way?”
“Not in a million years.”
* * *
The following afternoon, Sophie sent off a text to Ryder and smiled. Can you meet me at that bar over in Shreveport tonight after work?
She had to admit Revival was growing on her. Maybe it had to do with Ryder—okay, it probably had a lot to do with Ryder, but living in a small town was turning out to be more fun than she thought and certainly not the torture she’d envisioned when she took the job.
She got to see Maddie all the time.
The townspeople had been nothing but receptive and welcoming.
There was something fun about walking down the street and people calling her name.
And then there was Ryder. Gorgeous, hot Ryder who was not only the best sex partner she’d ever had but who brought her Starbucks during his lunch break and seemed to be up for anything she wanted.
Her phone pinged. We can meet at home and go together.
She licked her lips. That wasn’t her plan. She had other plans. Surprises in store for him. She made an excuse. I have a meeting. I’ll meet you there at seven.
Since she wouldn’t be able to sneak into her house without his notice, she’d made arrangements to get ready at Maddie’s.
Then we’ll have two cars.
She shook her head. But I’ll already be there.
A few seconds passed. All right, if you insist.
I’ll meet you at the bar.She smiled. She’d make it worth his while. As hard as it was not to tease, she didn’t want him on alert. She wanted him completely surprised. Shocked.
She could hardly wait.
This was what she loved about him.
She’d never had so much fun.
Never felt so free. Because not only did he indulge her, he encouraged her. Some of the things she’d done with him were probably illegal. And she couldn’t get enough.
Griffin entered her doorway, his broad shoulder against the frame. He grinned at her. “Have you recovered?”
The hot tub had been very inappropriate, but they’d kept their clothes on, and while Darcy and Sophie teased them incessantly, they hadn’t made out. The truth was, they all played a good game, but Sophie didn’t want to kiss anyone but Ryder and she knew Darcy felt the same about Griffin.
But they’d made a good show and tormented without mercy. Flirted. All in good fun. By the time they’d left, Sophie was pretty sure Darcy had suffered the same fate as she had. She hadn’t even gotten to the car before Ryder was on her, his hands in her wet underwear.
It had been awesome.
She laughed. “I’m one of those annoying people who recovers quickly.”
“Good for you.” He slid his hands into his pockets.
“And how are you feeling?”
“Fuzzy.” He flashed her a smile. “But it was too much fun to mind.”
“Exactly.” She gestured toward the seat across from her desk. “So I’ve been thinking of an idea I wanted to run past you.”