Page 20 of Positively Inked
“I’m staying here,” he hands me a business card for a hotel not far away from my apartment, “Just call front desk and ask for room two one nine. Let’s have dinner, or go for a walk, or anything you want to do. Get to know the new me, I know you’ll fall in love with me again, Ly.”
He takes my hand in his and kisses the back of it softly, his brown eyes never leaving mine. He turns and walks away, and I’m left there, tears running down my cheeks, watching him leave again.
“Are you okay?” Lacy asks quietly from the door and I nod, quickly wiping my eyes.
“Fine, fine…” I say, walking back into the studio and straight to my booth, setting the card down on the countertop.
“Who was that?” Lacy asks quietly, leaning against the wall of my booth.
“My ex, Jason,” I comment, not wanting to go too deeply into it.
Lacy purses her lips and nods before heading back to her own space. I go to get a glass of water and find JJ standing just outside of his booth, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, looking at me darkly.
Oh fuck, he just saw that… What must he think of me.
One minute I have him two fingers deep inside of me, making out, and then next I’m outside being kissed by some guy he doesn’t know. I open my mouth to say something, but he shakes his head, holds his hand up, and walks into his booth. I go after him, but he puts his earphones in and clearly doesn’t want to talk. Deciding to let him calm down first, I go get the water I wanted and go back to my booth and wait for Heather to come from school.
Once we have locked up the studio and everyone is saying goodbye, I go to JJ to speak to him but he’s still pissed. He looks me dead in the eye and says, “Say goodbye to Aunty Lyra.”
“Bye Aunty Lyra, see you tomorrow,” Heather greets happily before JJ just walks off with her, not saying a word to me. I feel absolutely dreadful, and like I’ve led the poor guy on for no reason. He must think I’m an absolute slut and I feel so ashamed right now. I sigh and say bye to everyone before heading towards the bus stop. There is a throng of people waiting for the bus and I join them, putting my earphones in my ears and listening to an upbeat song to try and improve my mood.
I can’t remember how JJ tastes and every time I think about the sex we had, I’m picturing Jason. Maybe this is a sign? Maybe JJ and I were just a fling that was needed at the time and I’m meant to be with Jason. I believe in that kind of shit, you know, the universe giving you direction on who you’re meant to be with and stuff like that.
I sigh and am shoved forward slightly when someone bumps into me, knocking me off the pavement and into the road. I look behind me angrily to see a guy in a baseball cap standing where I stood, when suddenly I see everyone panic and another guy grabs me and yanks me up. I look at the road and where I had fallen now stood a bus. I hadn’t heard it coming over the sound of the music in my ears. I take out the earphones and whip around to snap at the guy in the baseball cap, but he’s gone. I look around and he’s nowhere to be seen. People are asking me if I’m alright and if I’m hurt, but I shake my head, confirming I’m okay several times before they will allow me onto the bus. I’m held up there too because the driver is gushing his apologies about not seeing me and nearly knocking me over. I explain someone bumped into me and apologise for scaring him.
Once settled on the bus I can feel my heart racing in my chest. Fuck, I could have died. Today I could have died and the last things in my life would have been JJ thinking I’m a slut, and Jason being broken hearted he didn’t get a second chance. I would want a second chance, if I made a mistake, and how would I feel if I didn’t get one and the person I loved just died suddenly?
I knew what I had to do.
I had to go back to Jason.
I had pocketed the card he have given me when I had packed up to go home, so I would call him once I was at my apartment and invite him over to talk. I hurry home, walking as fast as I can. I don’t even have my shoes off completely and my phone and the business card are in my hands and I’m dialing the number.
“Rickshaw Hotel how can I help?
“Hi, can you please put me through to room two one nine?”
“Yes ma’am.” There is waiting music and then a click and his voice.
“Lyra?” he asks, and the hope in his voice is enough to send chills down my spine.
“Jason,” I breathe, “I agree. I want us to have another chance.”
“Really? Not to sound ungrateful but…you just changed your mind?”
“I’ll tell you over dinner. Tonight. My apartment.”
I give him the address and tell him to be there in three hours, that’s enough time for me to shower and to make his favourite pasta. I strip down quickly and go to shower, scrubbing every inch of JJ off of my body and mind before dressing in tight jeans and a tight top that I know Jason prefers. I toss my simple, summery dress into a corner and get out a pair of pumps to go with my outfit.
Miko tries to wander through my legs while I’m rushing around the kitchen preparing everything. While it cooks he wanders through my legs as I set the breakfast counter for dinner, so we can eat side by side. I search my cupboard for a decent wine and put it with glasses by the counter. Shit! Candles! I want this to be perfect, I want Jason to see I’m willing to try, so I rush to my bedroom to get my good scented candles and put them out in my living room and kitchen, setting a lighter near them so I can light them quickly before he comes.
The pasta is done, so I make the pesto sauce and throw it all into a dish with cheese and into the oven to melt it. I glance at the time and realise Jason will be here in the next ten minutes. I go to light the candles quickly, and with five minutes to go I give myself a moment to breathe deeply and calm down. I feel nervous and excited all at once. Nervous because I really do want to give this my best shot and not disappoint Jason, but excited because it was a new beginning for us.
A knock at my door lets me know he has arrived, and I walk over calmly and swing it open.
“Hey Lyly,” he says, holding out another bunch of flowers for me. They are purple roses, my favourite. I take them and lean up, kissing him softly on the lips.