Page 5 of Positively Inked
I open the fridge and stare at the contents, wondering what on Earth I’m going to eat for dinner. My stomach rumbles and I realize I have had nothing but coffee the whole day. I don’t want to make something, it’ll take too long, but if I order something I have to wait for it anyway. Decisions, decisions.
I decide to order a pizza; I’ll snack on an apple while I wait. I pick up my phone and dial the local pizza place, a nice quiet family owned pizzeria, and place an order for my favourite, a Regina with extra pineapple.
I fall onto my sofa and flip the television on, going through the channels until I find some trashy reality show that I can guilty pleasure the shit out of. Content, I relax and eat my apple as I watch who is going to be voted off of this week’s episode of Married Without Children. I have no idea what the point of this show is, but I’m loving the drama as it unfolds.
I’m drawn out of my reality television stupor by the rapid knocking on my door. I completely forgot about the pizza I ordered and I get up quickly, going to get the money out of my wallet and heading to the door.
A pimple faced teenager stands there holding my pizza in his hands. “Hey ma’am,” he says to me as I take the pizza and hand him the crisp note.
“Keep the change,” I comment as I turn to shut the door.
I’m sure he said thanks, but right now all I can think about is the rumbling in my stomach as the hunger takes over my mind. I plop back onto the couch and open the box, inhaling deeply. Miko is already by me meowing loudly because he wants some. Sorry Miko, this is all mine!
I continue to watch the trashy TV show as I eat, content and happy in my little apartment.
When I get up on Saturday, I feel exhausted. Too much pizza and late night TV has caught up with me and I am in no mood to go to the studio today. I have to though. I drew up the contracts yesterday for each of my new artists, and I needed them to sign. Besides, we needed to set up the booths if we’re going to open on Monday.
Coffee takes too long to make and I get impatient as I stand there waiting for it to drip into the cup. I burn my tongue taking a quick sip and scold myself for my own stupidity. Miko is winding his way around my legs and I gently shoo him away before I go shower, giving my coffee a chance to cool down.
Once I’ve managed to drink the rest of my coffee, and I’ve showered and dressed, I head out, calling my goodbyes to my cat like a crazy person. I don’t see anyone I know on my way out and towards the bus stop. I put my earphones in as I wait for the bus to get here. A guy comes to stand near me and I don’t pay him any attention. When the bus rolls in front of me, he lets me go first and I thank him with a smile before going to find a seat. I enjoy the rock music blasting in my ears as I get lost in my own world during the bus ride, almost missing my stop.
As I descend the stairs I can see everyone waiting outside the studio in an awkward silence. I smile at them as I get my keys out my bag and start to unlock the studio. I hear everyone say hello so I say a quick, “Hey guys, let’s get inside,” before leading the way.
They all come in and stand around the front reception area of the studio waiting for me. I set my bag down on the reception desk and turn to face them. “Thank you all for coming in today. I’m super excited for you guys to get to know each other, to set up your booths, and just for us to start working like a team.”
Oh lord, I have no idea what I’m doing and I can feel the nerves making me just want to chatter on and on.
“So, let’s get started with the contracts. Each of you has a probationary contract to sign for three months. If after three months it works out, you guys are welcome to sign a permanent contract with me on a year to year basis, or you can leave if you feel this place isn’t suited to you.”
Everyone nods at me and I shake slightly as I fumble to get the contracts out. I hand them out with a big nervous smile plastered on my face. I give everyone a moment to read through it and I soon see them looking around. I am about to ask what they are looking for when it dawns on me I didn’t hand out the pens. Blushing, I grab some pens from the reception desk and hold them out for everyone to take one.
They sign their contracts and one by one bring them to me so I can put them away. JJ is still busy reading his and I’m about to ask if everything is okay when he looks up. “I need every second Monday and Tuesday off,” he comments, “Is that going to be a problem?”
I’m not sure what to say so I shake my head and he nods, “Would you mind writing that in here for me?”
“Sure,” I say, taking the contract and making a note, signing my signature beside it. “You do realise that you only earn what you work for right? The contract is very clear.”
“I understand I will lose income doing this, but it’s important,” he comments, continuing to read the contract, “You can carry on with the booths while I’m busy. No need to wait.”
I blush crimson and want to say something smart to him, feeling like he’s bossing my around. I clear my throat and say, “Right, let’s get started. So the four booths on this side from left to right will be Becca, Diesel, Cindy, and Tintin.”
I watch as the four of them carry their things to their respective booths and start setting up, sticking up pictures and taking out decorations. I turn to walk to the right of the studio and JJ hands me his contract, now signed, and I put it away.
“From left to right here we have my booth, JJ, and Lacy. The last booth is closed off for additional storage space for product.”
Lacy and JJ both went to their booths which left Sheldon standing in the middle looking around.
“Sheldon, you’re going to be situated at reception whenever you’re not assisting one of the artists, okay?”
“Sure, can I decorate reception a little? I brought some home drawn designs.”
“Okay,” I tell him with a small smile before heading to my booth. I have already dropped all my things off in my booth; it’s just a case of unpacking them and putting them in their place. I work quietly and I’m happy when I hear the others start chatting to each other, quietly at first but soon loudly as though they are old friends. As it turns out, JJ and Diesel know each other and Lacy knows friends of Cindy’s. Everyone is soon in each other’s booths giving suggestions and compliments and discussing what it’s going to be like working together.
Once I’ve finished sticking up my artwork on the side of my booth and put my plush unicorns on the shelf above the mirror, I go to the other side of the room to see how everyone is getting along.
I start at Becca’s booth that is now completely transformed into something right out of Japan. She has hung a giant fan on the one side of the booth and draped Japanese cloth around the mirror and on the other wall. There are little Japanese trinkets on the countertop, out of the way but completely adorable. I go to Diesel next door and he has plastered portraits that he has drawn all over the walls in a very artistic way. His countertop has photos of young girls and I can only assume they are his daughters. Satisfied, I go to Cindy’s section which sure as I can predict looks amazing. She has decorated it like an island with flowers draped down the walls and little tiki statues on her countertop.
Tintin has little lego action figures on his countertop, all superheroes from what I can see, and I giggle slightly. He has mounted skateboard decks on his walls and from what I can determine they look originally painted, by him. I’m impressed as I walk over to Lacy’s section. She’s opted to put jewelry that’s for sale on her countertop. Anything from earrings to bars to studs, and there are some amazing designs. Her walls are decorated with old fashioned pinup posters.