Page 18 of Take
I turned on the taps and washed my face with cold water, the burning in my cheeks slowly dissipating. It took a good five minutes before I pulled my shit together.
When I opened the door, Jasper was dressed and on his phone, standing with his back to me. Whoever was on the other end must have been doing all the talking because Jasper said a few short curt words then hung up. Without looking at me, he opened the door and left.
When I heard the bike start up, I noticed his bag and my blades were gone. I went outside and came up beside him. “I need clothes. I can’t wear this.” I gestured to the boxers and t-shirt.
“You look fine to me.” Jasper was sitting astride his bike, his hands resting on his thighs looking completely in control. Shit, he was in control.
I cocked my hip and put my hand on it and then I saw the slight twitch at the corners of his mouth. He was playing with me again.
“I want clothes and a phone call before I go anywhere with you.”
Jasper shut down the engine, pulled his cell out of his front shirt pocket and handed it to me. It was so casual, as if he’d expected me to ask. “Have at it, sunshine. And tell him his house is a write off.”
“How’d you—”
Jasper quirked a brow. “You have no friends. No boyfriends. You never travel, and spend your days looking after Xamien’s garden and practicing with those blades of yours. The garden thing is boring as hell, but guess it’s a Healer thing . . . making things grow and shit.”
“You know a lot about me having just met me.”
He clenched his jaw. “My job to know.” He chin-lifted to the phone. “Call him if it makes you feel better. Number three.”
I pressed number three and Xamien picked up on the second ring. “Jasper.”
“No, sir, it’s Max.”
“Max. How are you? Are you guys somewhere safe?”
I glanced at Jasper and he leaned his elbow up against the handle bar. I noticed his eyes remained focused and intense, even when he was being annoying and flirting with me.
“Your house . . . it’s ruined, sir. Jasper says the men who did it are after me and he’s been hired to protect me. Is that true?” Then I added, because Jasper was pissing me off by looking so cocky and full of himself, “Should I kill him?”
Jasper burst out laughing and the sound made me smile, but I turned slightly so he couldn’t see it.
Xamien chuckled and I heard him murmur something to someone in the background. “Do what he says and he’ll keep you safe. I trust him.”
“Xamien, what’s going on? Why would anyone want me?” I held my breath as there was silence at the other end of the line.
A cold wave of dread came over me and my breath locked tight in my chest. “Max . . . I know you’re a Healer.” I closed my eyes, hand tightening on the phone. “Healers are always in danger and I think that’s why you’ve kept it hidden.”
I looked at Jasper. He smirked. “Did Jasper tell you?”
“No,” Xamien replied. I don’t know why I cared, but I was relieved Jasper hadn’t lied to me. That he’d kept my secret. “I’ve known for years, but I’d never force you to use your ability if you chose not to, Max. I’ve never told anyone either. I’ll meet with you and Jasper tomorrow. By then, I may know more. For now, do as Jasper says. He’s the best at . . . what he does. Keep close to him.” He paused, then, “And Max . . . be careful. Let me talk to him.”
I said goodbye then held the phone out to Jasper.
“Stay with the bike, babe.” He lifted his leg over the seat then walked away, phone to his ear. I couldn’t hear what was said, but his grin had vanished and his spine stiffened, fingers gripping the phone a little tighter.
He strode back to me and put his phone back in his pocket. “Satisfied?”
“Not really.” But I could wait until I saw Xamien tomorrow.
“Don’t worry, Xamien’s warning to keep my hands off won’t deter me.”
I ignored his attempt to get me riled. “Do you have clothes for me or are you going to continue to be a dick?”
He grinned. “Nice to see we’ve moved up from asshole.”
I frowned. “Who says dick is any better than asshole?”