Page 7 of Take
I hated unpredictable and Jasper’s middle name was quickly becoming unpredictable. I was good at reading people, knowing what they’d do before they did it. Jasper was a broken puzzle piece, one second sexy and flirty, the next dark and scary and I was certainly no sunshine, more like a dense fog. I was plain and impassionate . . . well, at least I was until those butterflies showed up and then the fire within me sparked into an inferno.
Suddenly, his weight lifted and I was hauled to my feet in front of him. “I dare you to make another move, angel.” He cocked a half-grin and it was that grin I hadn’t been able to get out of my head for months. “Never hit a woman. Never will. But I sure as hell will put her in her place some other way. And spanking . . . that’s fair game.”
I took his warning seriously. Jasper didn’t appear the type to make idle threats. I may think I could take him, but I was practical and realistic. He was an assassin and could snap my neck before I took my next breath.
His gaze jerked to the window and his eyes narrowed, head tilted as if he was listening. “We need to leave—now,” Jasper ordered. “They’re nearly here.”
“Who?” I asked, but Jasper was opening drawers and throwing clothes at me. “What’s going on?” A vise clamped around my chest as I thought of the one person who would come after me.
“Humans. Not very strong, but I’d prefer not to get shot again.” Jasper strode toward me. “Change or you’re going like that.”
I darted for my nightstand where my cell phone charged, but he got to me first, latching onto my wrist. “Let me call Xamien.”
Most Scars were telepathic, but it was limited within a mile or so except for a rare few who could reach further. I had to call Xamien. I didn’t trust Jasper and I sure as hell wasn’t walking out the door with him until I found out what was going on.
Jasper reached over and grabbed my cell then threw it on the floor and smashed it with his foot.
I stared at the crushed pieces and then back at Jasper. “What—”
“No phone calls.”
I was fast getting that I wasn’t going to win here. “I can’t just leave with you. I don’t know you, and I certainly don’t trust you.” I held the clothes to my chest with one arm, my mind whirling with distrust and unbridled emotions that were playing with me like I was a ragdoll.
He shrugged. “Never asked you to trust me and it’s better you don’t. But you sure as hell know me. I’m the guy you’ve been thinking about fucking for the last six months.” Oh, my God. “And you’re coming with me because you want to see me get paid a large sum of money for saving your ass.”
It was like Jasper was chipping away at my numbness with a mallet and I couldn’t stop myself from punching back. “I’m not leaving until you tell me what is going on.”
Jasper scowled and his entire body stiffened. Any hint of humor vanished as he took a step toward me. I backed up until my spine hit the barrier of the wall. Shit. I’d really pissed him off and I had no weapon, although I was uncertain whether I’d have the guts to shoot him again. He was a rogue Scar assassin, who looked as if he was going to kill me.
He stopped inches from me then raised his knife to my neck. I didn’t breathe as he pressed the tip to the hollow of my throat and I felt a tiny pin prick. I held completely still, afraid to look away from him or move. His eyes held a dangerous glint in them as he stared at me.
Without a word, he grabbed the neckline of my pajama top. Then with his knife, he ripped it straight down the middle. I gaped. The clothes I’d been holding now held up in front of my naked breasts. He didn’t stop there as he put his hands on my hips and yanked down my white silk pajama pants.
“Oh, my God.” I stood in my pink panties in front of him, but he wasn’t even paying attention to me; instead, he strode to the window again.
“Put the fuckin’ clothes on or you go naked.” His tone was rough with a deep Scottish brogue as the tension pulsated from him.
I knew when to stop fighting and at the moment, Jasper was furious and I was certain any second, he’d either shoot me himself and take a loss on whatever money he was being paid, or throw me over his shoulder with nothing but my panties on.
I quickly pulled on the khaki shorts and pale pink t-shirt with the sparkly white horse on the front. A present from Xamien on my first Christmas here. It came with my favorite weapon—my circular blades.
By the time I was dressed, he was in front of me again, grabbing my arm and before I even had the shirt pulled down, he tugged me toward the door.
Then I heard it; cars driving up the gravel driveway and skidding to a stop and then doors opening and slamming shut.
“Looks like I’ll have to work for my money now. Hope you know how to kick some ass because I plan on living to get paid for this job.” I never had the opportunity to use my weapons, but I practiced with them and thought I could hold my own. “Our best scenario . . . we get out of here alive. The worst . . . I have to use you to bargain for my life.”
I gawked at him. “You wouldn’t.” But from the snippets of info I’d gathered on Jasper, I was betting he would.
His brows rose. “You want to test it, sunshine?” I heard the front door splinter as it was forced open. He waited for my answer and I finally shook my head. He smirked and then opened the door and pulled me into the hall.
My breath hitched as glass shattered and I slammed my back against the wall. Jasper didn’t stop though and pulled me behind him until we were close to the bannister overlooking the front hall. I banged into his side when he stopped abruptly. He glanced at me and scowled, but didn’t say anything. He tilted his head and his eyes narrowed as if listening for where the men were located downstairs.
Then he turned to me and said without a hint of teasing. “In case I die, you should know I’ve wanted to fuck you since that day in the bathroom.”
Wow, he really had no filter, and why would he want to fuck me? I was a pin cushion of scars and burns.
“Yeah, I saw the scars. Don’t give a fuck either. Means you have a story is all. One I plan on reading while sinking between your thighs.” Jasper didn’t tiptoe around me like I was some glass figurine with scrapes all over it. He was direct, honest and . . . completely offensive.