Page 2 of Seize Me
It was my first trip back to the house since George died.Julianna and Mika had whisked me away to stay with them after Master’s body had been taken to the mortuary.I didn’t want to stay there alone.At the time, the thought of roaming from room to room, assaulted by his memories, seemed painfully masochistic.But now, I yearned to wrap the precious times we’d shared around me, savor them, and mourn the loss of my best friend, alone.
When Tony parked in front of the red brick and mortar steps, I turned to face him.“Thanks for the ride and, um, for the offer to pick my brain.I’m going to pass for now, but I’ll see you around.”
Cold rain pelted my face as I hurried from the vehicle.Aware of Tony waiting for me to get inside safely, I dug out the keys from the bottom of my purse.Glancing up, I noticed an envelope taped to the front door with my name scrolled in feminine penmanship.
I slid my key into the lock, but it wouldn’t turn.When I tried a second time, my heart sank.No doubt Hayden had done her worst.Tearing the note from the door, I pulled out the pages from within and began to read.
Please find enclosed a Restraining Order forbidding you from this property.There will be no other form of communication to you from either of us.My mother and I refuse to acknowledge your disgusting association with my father.Be advised that his upstanding reputation in the community, and courts, shall remain unblemished.Should you make any slanderous remarks hinting otherwise, we will file suit against you for defamation of character.
Your personal property is exactly where it belongs—on the side of the house—in the trash.Take what you can salvage and leave.You will be arrested for trespassing if you set foot on these premises ever again.
Good riddance.May you rot in hell!
Hayden Marston
As I stepped back from the door, the rain dripped from my hair and slithered like cold fingers down my spine.Stunned by the note’s contents, I forced myself to re-read it once, then twice, while my guts turned to liquid.A tingling wave of panic spread through my limbs, and the tears I’d courageously fought for days filled my eyes and spilled down my cheeks.
“Leagh?Is everything okay?What’s that letter say?”
Turning toward the sound of Tony’s voice, I saw his torso poised between the partially opened car door and the frame.I knew he was watching me, even though his face had blurred from my tears.
Realizing that all my belongings were shoved into the trash, I dropped the papers, my keys, and my purse and sprinted toward the side of the house.A desolate cry, like a wounded animal, tore from my throat and echoed in my ears.
Panting and crying, I flipped the lid of the garbage receptacle open.The scent of feces and decay permeated my senses.Stumbling back, I gagged and sucked in a breath of fresh air before peering inside.Paper plates filled with dog excrement had been placed on top of open and leaking cans of pungent tuna fish and tomato paste, while raw and broken eggs jiggled as drops of rain landed upon the slippery membranes.A bottle of Italian salad dressing lay on its side, dripping oil and vinegar, mixing in with the sludge.Gazing at the putrid concoction, I spied some of the expensive clothing Master had given me as gifts saturated in the pungent muck.
Rage roared through me.Staring into the slurry, I remembered how George would pull packages with big red bows from behind his back.“I like to spoil you with pretty things, my wild little tiger.”
Anguish stabbed, slicing deep.Turning, I spotted a long branch that had fallen from the bare oak tree.Plucking it from the ground, I carefully slid the forked bough beneath the plates of dog poop and tossed them onto the grass.Spearing the sleeve of my favorite Chanel blouse, I lifted it from beneath the slimy mixture.The dusty pink silk had been completely shredded.It was totally ruined.
Rooting around the amalgam, I shoved my wet hair from my face, desperate to find one piece of salvageable clothing.But every item had been obliterated by Sloane and Hayden’s savagery.Why had they done such a vile thing?It wasn’t as if I’d stolen the man away from either of them.It was my understanding that Sloane had wanted out of the marriage.At least that’s how George had explained it.He’d been relieved to be rid of the shrew.The bitch’s venomous cruelty made no sense whatsoever.
When I spied the handcrafted wooden box that stored my collar, hope soared.Using the branch, I lifted it from the barrel and carefully lowered it to the ground.Easing open the lid, I gasped.My treasured leather collar had been cut to bits, mingled among slivers of mutilated photographs.Every treasured snapshot of me and George had been reduced to confetti.My whole world tilted on its axis.
Dropping the lid down, I threw my head back.An inhuman cry of anguish erupted from deep in my belly, and fury exploded outward.Seeing red, I shoved the receptacle onto its side and fell to my knees.Tears streamed down my face as I poked through the slop, cursing and screaming, in search of one minuscule memento of my life with George that the malicious bitches hadn’t destroyed.
“Hey.Stop, Leagh.Stop!”Tony commanded, wrapping me in a bear hug from behind and strangling my hot rage.Pinning my arms against my sides, he rendered me immobile.I shrieked and struggled, resenting the hell out of his interference.
“Calm down.There’s nothing left for you here.”
“I know that, dammit!Do you think I’m blind?Those whores destroyed it all.They took every piece of him away from me.I have nothing.Nothing!”I screamed.
“Come on.Let’s get you out of here.”
“No!”I snapped.“There’s got to be something in there.Something they haven’t ruined.Let me go.I need to find it.I need to find…something.”
“Don’t do this, sweetheart.Don’t let them wreck your soul.Come on.We need to get out of the rain.”
“Fuck you!Fuck them!Fuck the rain!Fuck everything!”Ranting, I tossed the stick aside and clawed from Tony’s grasp.Scooting away, tears flowed as Sloane and Hayden’s malice shredded what was left of my heart.
Tony crouched, staring at me, as rain dripped down his face.His wet, dark hair was plastered against his head.And his dark tailored suit had grown wrinkled and soggy.Gazing into his eyes, I watched his concerned expression transform into a sympathetic frown.My blood boiled.
“I don’t need you or your damn pity.Go away.Just leave me alone.”
“Pity?”Tony shook his head.“It’s definitely not pity, and there’s no way in hell I’m leaving you here.Not like this.”
“You have to.Get out.It’s for your own good.You can't be here if they come back.”