Page 52 of Seize Me
I laughed.“Twice as long as you think it should, and a thousand times more painful.”
“And how do you know that, Miss Thing?”Trevor teased.
Melting back in the wheelchair, I opened my mouth and quickly closed it.Suddenly all eyes were on me.I glanced at Tony’s expectant expression.If I intended to let him in, I knew I’d have to unlock my past.I figured tossing out a few secrets versus bombarding him with the whole ugly truth might not make it so overwhelming.
I turned to face Trevor.Revealing what I had to say would be a lot easier than explaining it to Tony.
“I had a baby once,” I softly confessed.“He was stillborn.”
“Oh, Leagh,” Trevor gaped.“I’m so sorry.I didn’t mean to pry.”
Bless Trevor.He knew I’d left a horrible past, but the sweet man never once tried to pry out the details of my former life.As a blush rose on his pale cheeks, I shook my head.
“It’s okay, Trev.I named him Nathan.He was beautiful.He had a perfect round face…” Emotions I’d long ago folded away flowed back, unfurling the painful memories.“I don’t know what color of eyes he had, but he had a full head of snow white hair.They let me rock him and sing to him and count all his fingers and toes before they took him away.”
I swiped the tears from my cheeks, swallowed tightly, and forced a nod.“He’s in a much better place.It was a blessing he didn’t have to live…”Through the nightmare my life turned into.“He had a heart defect that they never detected in any of my prenatal visits.My doctor told me that Nathan most likely wouldn’t have survived the delivery.But we didn’t know that until after.He just stopped moving a couple weeks before my due date.That’s when I knew something was wrong.”
“Oh, angel.That must have been horrible for you,” Tony murmured as he slipped a hand to my nape and massaged it gently.
“It was.”I nodded.The whole room was somber.I flashed a smile, needing to lift everyone’s spirits back up.“I didn’t mean to put a black cloud over all the excitement.None of that is going to happen to Julianna.She’s got a healthy baby ready to come into the world.”
“Yes, she does,” Savannah chimed in, giving me a supportive wink.“I was over there yesterday, and that little bug was kicking up a storm.Julianna is convinced he or she is going to be a pro soccer player.”
The energy in the room was abuzz again with thoughts of our friends’ impending blessing.Tony eased his hand from my nape before tangling his fingers in mine.
“You’re an amazing lady,” he whispered as he leaned in and kissed my cheek.
“No, just a survivor,” I replied softly.
Before Tony could respond to my comment, Mika rushed through a set of double doors.Dressed in dark green scrubs, he smoothed a paper cap from his bald head.
“How is she?”Drake asked in a tone tight with worry.
“She’s hanging in there, but damn, my girl isnothappy,” Mika laughed.“Nobody told me Satan was going to possess my beautiful pet during labor.She says this is allmyfault, and damn if the little minx isn’t threatening to cut me off pussy for life!”
Collective laughter filled the room as Mika cursed under his breath.
“I don’t know how long this is going to take, but you all might be here a while.She’s only at five and a half, whatever the fuck that means.All I know is she’s got to reach a ten before we get the prize.”A goofy grin spread across his full lips.“They kicked me out to give her a shot in the spine.”
“It’s an epidural, Sir,” Savannah grinned.“She’ll be more like the Julianna you know and love soon.”
“I hope you’re right, dear girl.I’m about ready to call for an exorcism in there.”Mika grinned as he turned toward Drake.“Any word from Dad or Sarah, yet?”
“Emile said they would try to be on the next flight out.They’re on standby, but if I know your dad, he’s not only secured the last two seats, he’s upgraded to first class.”Drake beamed.
“No shit,” Mika laughed.“Okay, when they get here, will you send them back to suite 304, please?”
“Will do, brother.”Drake nodded as he stood.“Suite, huh?You got a penthouse view in there?
Mika flashed him a sly grin.“It’s got the view I’ve always dreamed about…my Julianna bringing my child into this world.It’s amazing, man.Fucking amazing.”
The two men wrapped each other in a tight hug.“Give her a kiss for me, brother, and tell her I love her,” Drake instructed, choking with emotion.
Mika nodded with a reassuring smile, then issued a quick wave before he turned and left the waiting room without a dry eye in the place.
The hours ticked by slowly, but the atmosphere remained electrified.Anticipation hummed even as Drake made several calls lining up members to help work the club.Dylan and Nick texted away, stopping to exchange information about zoning laws as they tried to resolve an issue on one of their construction sites.But by four-thirty, the energy began to wane.
Emile and Sarah rushed into the room, and a flurry of hugs and laughter ensued.The older couple was animated in their excitement.Mika and his father bore an uncanny resemblance.Even the tone of their deep, rich laughter sounded the same.Sarah, Emile’s sub, wore a diamond studded collar around her slender neck.The woman oozed submission, graceful and acquiescent.Together, she and Emile painted the perfect portrait of a happy lifestyle couple.I found it somewhat startling when I realized I ached to be in her shoes.I glanced at Tony beside me, wondering if destiny might hold a sliver of mercy for us someday.