Page 82 of Seize Me
“Is this really how you want to spend the day, sweetheart?Challenging me every chance you get?”His expression softened.“Talk to me, Leagh.What’s wrong?”
The minute he shifted into psychologist mode, I became nervous.
“I don’t know.My life’s a mess.I mean, last night was the most spectacular night of my life, but this morning, I feel like…I can’t even pee or wash myself alone.It’s like you’re trying to take over my entire life.I just want five minutes to… I don’t know, maybe breathe on my own.”
“Stop.”Tony knelt in front of me, capturing my gaze in a stony hold.“You’re trying to take back your control.This tells me that either you’re not ready to hand it over all the way, or I’m not doing my job as a Dominant.Which one is it?Or is it a little bit of both?”
Frightened by the uneasiness reflecting in his eyes, I swallowed tightly.“I’m not trying to consciously take it back, and you’re an amazing Dominant.That’s not it.”
“Last night, I got a taste of your submission.I felt you let go.It was the most amazing experience of my entire life.I know you felt it…felt that deep-seated need to please suck in its first real breath of life.I think it scared you.So now you’re trying to yank the walls around you, because it feels foreign, and you don’t know how to come to terms with what you already know you are…a submissive.”
“I’m not trying to shut you out, and you’re right, it does feel strange.What does that have to do with you forcing me to pee in front of you?I don’t know what you’re trying to prove or what you want from me.”
“Yes, you do.”He smirked.“The reason I didn’t let you pee in private was because of your snarky attitude in bed when I asked where you were going.If you’d simply said that you needed to use the restroom, I would have given you time alone.That little taste of humiliation was punishment, Leagh.”
I exhaled an exasperated sigh.
“Taking care of you is my Dominant duty.And when you arbitrarily yank that away from me, I have no other choice than to correct your behavior.Socrates once said, ‘Sometimes you put walls up, not to keep people out, but to see who cares enough to break them down.’I care enough, Leagh.Make no mistake, I won’t allow walls between us on any level.”
“I swear I’m not trying to block you out, Tony.I like the way you take care of me.I like the way you make me feel, but it’s all so strange and new, and it makes me feel unsure of myself.”
His warm smile instantly put me at ease.“I know it does.I told you it would, but that’s when you have to reach down deep and trust me, angel.If you don’t trust me, this is never going to work.”
“I know that.”Just thinking of Tony not being with me caused a sick, swirling sensation in the pit of my stomach.
“Honest answer, angel…do you want this to work?”
“Yes, I do,” I replied, gazing boldly into his eyes.
“Good.Then stop defying me, and let’s get your sponge bath started.When we’re done, we’ll get dressed and go downstairs.I’m sure Ma is cooking up a huge breakfast for us.”
Adjusting the water temperature as it spilled into the tub, Tony washed my back and arms, gently drying each section before moving to the next.I winced as he brushed the washcloth over my nipples.
“That’s the beauty of proper nipple torture, sweetheart.The next day, they’re still nice and sensitive.”
“I think the word you’re looking for is sore,” I laughed.
“I can make them ache even more,” he growled in promise.
With his hips wedged between my splayed-out thighs, he gently drew the soapy cloth up my folds.I couldn’t help but hiss.The lips of my pussy were also sore from all the activity the night before.
“A little tender there, too, sweetheart?”Tony asked.Bending low, he inspected my cunt as he rinsed the soap away.
Suddenly, the bathroom door swung open.Alisa stood in the portal, a look of horror blossoming over her face.
“Anthony Michael Delvaggio!”she cried.“What in the world…you promised me!”
Tony jolted and leapt to his feet as I slammed my thighs together.
“Ma!”Tony thundered.“A little privacy here?”
I felt the heat rise on my cheeks, and I wanted to climb into the tub and swirl down the drain with the running water.
“I’m very disappointed in you.You know the rules,” she scolded.
“It’s not what you think, Ma.I’m helping Leagh with her sponge bath.She can’t very well hop into the shower now, can she?”
A look of mortification replaced the anger on Alisa’s face.“Oh my, I’m…I’m sorry.Do you need any help?”