Page 3 of Potent Desire
Asea of people swarm around me, all chatting, smiling, and laughing the night away. The vast expanse of my father’s lush, green backyard is littered with what must be a thousand, all here to celebrate. Today’s my 18th birthday, and no one would ever decline an invitation from the King.
After an afternoon of showing face, accepting birthday wishes and gifts, it’s nice to have the party move away from me. The crowd’s drinking steadily, lost in their own worlds, and I’m another forgotten relic of the celebration. I can’t complain; the claustrophobia of being circled by hordes of faces hasn’t done me much good.
I’m good enough at showing up and smiling when spoken to, but I can’t stand being trapped in a never-ending loop of conversation. It’s exhausting. People are exhausting. I’d much rather have an intimate evening with my family, enjoying a movie on the couch, and pretending life is normal for a while. Not that we’re much of a family, anymore. Not since Mom died. It’s been just the King and me, locked away in his castle, toiling away.
Like everything in my life, even my birthdays aren’t really special. They’re a platform for my father to conduct business with numerous high-ranking officials and to further his goals. I’ve watched him all day, shaking hands with corporate tycoons, politicians, and other respectable people. He’s been so lost in his own little fantasy, that he hasn’t even offered me a birthday wish from him, yet. He probably won’t, either.
“Miss Romani. Is everything alright?” I hear Dominic’s voice from behind me. He’s standing dressed all nice in his pitch-black suit, a goofy smile on his face, and his hands tucked into his pants pockets. I’ve known Dominic since I was a child; he’s my friend, and I know his concerns are genuine. Not that I can share any true feelings with him. After all, he’s my bodyguard first and a friend second. I also can’t risk his taking any news to my father, about me not having a good time.
“Everything’s great, Dom,” I reply, tapping the high chair beside me, offering him a seat. “How many times do I have to tell you to call me Bella?”
I give Dom a warm smile but he shakes his head. “I don’t think your father will be all that happy with us being on a first-name basis. Speaking of which, he asked me to find you.”
“He did?” My heart jumped at the remark. My father’s been playing with the people of Hannibal, Missouri all day. Was it finally my turn?
“Yup, he’s waiting for you by the indoor pool. Wants to have a little private time with you,” Dom says, taking a seat beside me.
I can’t contain the excitement that bursts through me, and I jump to my feet. “Come on then, no time to waste. You know how Papa gets when we’re late.”
“I’m not coming. Says he wants it just to be you. He must be planning something big.” Dom gives me a smile.
“Then I’ll catch you later,” I say, before starting through the crowd.
A few people try to stop me on the way to the backdoor, but on mentioning my father wants to see me, they let me pass. I’ve had enough of the chit-chat today, and if it were up to me, I’d send them all home, now. I’m just about ready to curl up in bed when I’m done with my papa.
I walk through the grand palace we call home, pep in my step, as I bounce down the many hallways. But, my joy is soon replaced by heartbreak when I see Papa through the glass windows of the indoor pool. He’s not alone, as I was led to believe. He’s standing with Uncle Vik – not my real uncle, but someone who’s been a part of the family for so long he might as well be.
They’re sharing a glass of whiskey together, laughing so loudly I can hear them through the window. When my father spots me outside, he taps Vik’s shoulder and points in my direction. He waves me over, gesturing I join them inside. Papa’s got a smile stretching from ear to ear, so maybe this isn’t what I think it is. Maybe Vik just saw him standing alone and popped in to say hi.
At least, that’s all I can hope for.
When I get to the sliding door, Vik pulls it open. I expect him to leave, but instead, he wraps his arms around my shoulders. His swollen belly presses against me with a squeeze.
“Happy birthday, Isabella,” he says, pressing a kiss on my cheek. “Look how big you’ve gotten. A little too big to sit on my lap these days, that’s for sure.” He laughs and I join him. When I was younger, I’d sit on his lap all the time while he brushed my hair, rubbed my shoulders, or put sunscreen on.
But, eight years is a long time, and it’s been cruel to Uncle Vik. His face is riddled with wrinkles, and his body has succumbed to age, losing its once muscular frame to fat.
“Uncle Vik,” I reply, returning the hug. “It’s so nice to see you again.”
“My beautiful princess,” my father cuts in, and Vik breaks away from me. “Today is such a special day. You’re finally a woman.”
A smile curls at the corners of my mouth. My father steps up to me, placing his hands on my shoulders. A gentle thumb strokes my cheek. Papa looks good. Unlike Vik, aging has suited him well. His frame is still well-enough built, although he’s losing his hair.
“I’m sorry I’ve been so busy today,” he continues. “But you know how things go. People coming in and out, there’s just no room to breathe at these gatherings.”
“I know, Papa,” I say.
Papa breaks away, taking a step back. He looks between me and Vik, nodding his head. Vik returns the gesture.
“Well, Isabella, I’ve got a little surprise for you,” Vik takes over, shoving a hand into his pocket. From it, he draws a set of keys with the unmistakable Ferrari logo hanging from the chain. “I thought I’d get you something nice for your birthday.”
“You bought me a car?” I cock a brow. “Papa, you don’t even let me drive alone.” A giggle escapes my lips.
“Well, let’s just say Vik is pretty convincing when he wants to be,” Papa replies.