Page 8 of Potent Desire 3
It’s a funny thing, telling Isabella I wouldn’t be following her around again. I said the words sincerely and with good intentions, yet they meant nothing. After all, we were set to marry a few days, after I’d said it.
I spent the rest of the week in hiding, processing my feelings about it all, but deep introspection didn’t happen all that much. Every time Isabella crossed my mind, all that came with were snapshots of her in lace lingerie or touching herself. I’ve spent days fighting lust and a desperate need to taste her again.
In the courtyard of the palace, my mind is finally clear. Is this wedding why Isabella was in a lingerie shop? Another stipulation Bruno set for our wedding? Ensuring she looks good on our first night as husband and wife.
A week ago I felt like a free man. Now, I’m pulling my Bentley into Bruno’s driveway to have this “family meeting” between the Romanis and Braddocks. I feel shackled down. I’m a prisoner; my freedom stripped, forever to live in the shadow of a child not yet born. It’s the night before my wedding, and I’ve never felt more depressed.
I’m the first to arrive, an hour before my father and siblings are set to join us. Bruno has a lot to talk about. Should I be scared? Probably. But all I feel is utter indifference to everything around me.
By the time I cut the engine and get out of my car, Bruno’s already at the front door. He’s dressed sharply, in a gray suit that matches his hair. He’s got a cigarette clutched in one hand, with two glasses of whiskey awkwardly balanced in the other.
“Maddox, thank you for coming over earlier,” Bruno says, as I approach. He holds out his hand with the drinks for me to take one.
“Of course, Mister Romani,” I reply, accepting and clinking my glass against his.
“I can’t say I’m looking forward to this meeting tonight.” Bruno brings the cigarette to his lips, and takes in a long drag. He holds the smoke in his lungs for a while, before dropping the half and crushing it with the heel of his boot. “But, I guess we do what we have to, right?”
“Neither am I.” We finally shake hands now that he’s got one free. “But, you know my father; always insistent on getting what he wants.”
“Sure, Oswald’s always been this way.” Bruno leads me into the house. “In his youth, he was much as how you are, now. Time has left him delusional, though.”
We don’t speak as we walk through the palace, making our way through to the dining room. It’s enormous, and like the rest of the house, furnished with only the best of the best. The dining room table looks big enough to hold twelve guests, but there are only eight places set. In the middle, a few silver serving trays sit ready for the eventual food that they will hold. Fancy plates, sterling silver cutlery, and multiple glasses wait in front of every seat. Bruno sits at the head of the table, and I join him on his right.
“So, tomorrow’s the big day,” he says.
“Sure is. I’m looking forward to it.” The words leave my mouth unconvincingly.
“Weddings are always such beautiful affairs.” Bruno doesn’t seem to notice how awkwardly I spoke. “And it’s not every day a father can lead his little girl down the aisle. The best part is Isabella seems to be turning on to the idea.”
“She is?” That doesn’t sound right.
“She hasn’t stopped speaking about it all week. She went out to buy her dress and to prepare the other day.” A gleeful giggle escapes Bruno’s lips. “I knew I made the right choice with you.” He waggles a finger in front of my face, but his cheery disposition doesn’t last long. It’s replaced by a stone-cold sternness that leaves me incredibly uncomfortable.
“That’s another reason why I called you over earlier than everyone else, Maddox.”
“I’m all ears,” I reply. Bonding with The King was never going to be the reason I came over before the rest. I sip at my drink, Bruno does the same.
“You see, I don’t really know what to tell you. That’s the problem.” Bruno reaches for another cigarette in his pocket.
A server enters through a small door leading from the kitchen. She has a bottle of wine, some whiskey, and some gin on a tray. She sets all three down in front of us, before scurrying off again. Bruno and I finish our drinks, and I pour two more.
“That judge was only the start of my problems. She’d been hassling me for a while, and she served me well as a test to see who has the stones to take over from me.” Bruno lights his cigarette. “Because, what comes next – for both of us – is a lot worse than some legal bullshit.” He offers me a cigarette, but I turn it down with a wave of my hand.
“I believe someone’s hunting me down, Maddox. Well, let’s put it this way, there’s always someone coming after me, but this time I think they’re serious.”
“What makes you think that?” I spin the whiskey glass around in my hand, inspecting the amber liquid.
“The Romani Family has been disturbing the tranquility, lately. All these towns, cities, and villages along the Mississippi used to be held by numerous organizations. It’s mostly us, now. I think we’re turning heads and making a lot of bad people very upset,” he says. “Let’s face it; I’m long past my prime. Even if I don’t get gunned down, I need someone I trust, ready to take the throne.”
Why does that have to be me? I got chewed up and spat out by my old man for not sharing the dream of excess power. This honor, if that’s what Bruno’s calling it, isn’t one I want. I’m a simple man, with simple goals and aspirations.
I’d never say that to Bruno, however.
“If it happens, and I’m not going to say it will; I trust you, Maddox. You’ve been loyal to the family for a long time. You’ve proven yourself as someone who can control the riff-raff where necessary, and best of all, you’re not afraid to get your hands dirty.” Bruno kills the cigarette in a thick, glass ashtray. “The only question I have left is are you ready for the responsibility? If the time comes, will you be able to hold strong against those who wish to take what’s yours? And they will come. In hordes and droves. They always do.”