Page 12 of Potent Desire 4
Afew more days pass and my search yields nothing.
I’ve questioned dozens of men from the Romani, Braddock, Slater, and Harrison families, and no one seems to know a thing.
It’s not all that surprising, I suppose. Realistically, Vik’s loyal tribe is still one of the top suspects in this murder mystery. They have all the reasons in the world to want Bruno Romani dead.
By day I spend my time out in the world, hoping to find any sliver of good news, and by night, I stay in the Palace, comforting Isabella. Even though I scared her off with my saying I love you, I’m glad that Isabella’s coming to me for comfort. This life is hard on your own, and suffering the death of a parent without anyone at your side must be harder still.
But, still, I see distance in her eyes. Isabella’s broken and—try as I might—there’s no way of fixing her. In desperation, I hoped to give her something on the day of her father’s funeral, and I failed. Today’s the big day. Today we will send an incredible man into the great beyond, and I’ve still got nothing. This troubles me deeply. Terrifies me, even.
I am standing in a church, where the orchestrator of the crime might well be among us. What comedic cruelty it would be, to have another execution by a second priest, who was willing to lay down his life to kill another King.
“How are you holding up?” I ask, taking Isabella’s hand. She doesn’t shy away from me, and even leans in, pressing her body against mine.
“I’m fine,” she replies. The funeral is meant to be small. Mostly the heads of the families and those closest to Bruno Romani will be attending. The wedding was such an enormous affair that we’d never be able to question everyone who stopped by.
We chose not to make the same mistake again.
“If you ever need to talk, Isabella, I’m here for you,” I say. I mean it, too.
I don’t want to be another source of burden on Isabella. I want her to be able to rely on me, to help her through the hard times. Our matrimony might be false, but my feelings for Isabella haven’t changed.
“Thank you, Maddox. I appreciate it,” she replies.
One by one, cars start pulling into the church parking lot. First to arrive are members of the Romani Family. As they pass, they give their blessings and well wishes to Isabella, before entering the church.
After the Romanis, Larry Slater and his closest arrive. Tara’s at his side and both of them give me a disgusted look. I suppose, we don’t share a very good history, so I don’t blame them. As the new King, I shouldn’t let it slide, but I do – today’s not a day for confrontation.
The Braddocks follow, with my father and siblings stepping up. They don’t linger long, just give their condolences, and disappear inside. Father’s still pissed off about our breakfast meeting a few days earlier.
Out of the three families, I’ve managed to piss off two of them already – a good start as King of the Castle.
And finally, Quincy Harrison arrives a few minutes later. He comes with only his wife at his side. They both look torn up about Bruno’s passing, and I struggle to figure out if it’s an elaborate act or if they’re truly upset.
“Isabella, I’m so sorry for your loss,” Quincy says. His wife parrots his words.
“Thank you, Quincy,” Isabella says. “It’s a dark day for the Romanis.”
Quincy shares a few more kind words, before saying. “I don’t suppose you’d mind if I steal your husband for a moment, would you?”
“No, not at all,” Isabella says.
“Then we shan't be long,” Quincy says. His wife hooks arms with Isabella and walks with her into the church.
“What can I help you with, Quincy?” I ask when it’s only the two of us left outside.
“I just wanted to say congratulations on your new position, Maddox. It was a little too insensitive to bring it up with Isabella around,” he says, extending a hand out to me. I take it, although I don’t want to.
“Yes, I suppose so,” I say. “But I’m glad you’ve done this. I’ve got something I need to ask you.”
“Sure, fire away,” Quincy replies. I keep his hand clutched while I speak, while I scan his deep-blue eyes.
“The priest was going to talk that night, after he shot Bruno.”
“Is that right?” Quincy doesn’t show a single sign he had any involvement in it.