Page 14 of Potent Desire 5
Afew days pass after the godawful events that transpired in Oswald Braddock’s home. And in those days, I find a new respect for Maddox. All the pain and suffering he had to endure to get to the top. All the hardships he faced, the treatment from men he loved and trusted, barking orders and making him do terrible things. He’s just done what he needed to do. He didn’t find joy in the atrocities he committed; he was forced to do them out of loyalty, and because he was a Braddock.
But even after shooting Oswald, after killing Oswald, I don’t feel bad. Not the same as I did the day I pulled the trigger. He was a terrible man who met his just fate. A bastard and a butcher, who used Maddox to gain ultimate power. He killed Father, nearly killed Benjamin, and would’ve killed his own son too.
Men like Oswald Braddock don’t deserve a second thought or a second chance. I’d have been a bad person if I’d have let him live.
We were lucky, I suppose. The bullet that hit Maddox missed the bone and went straight through, near the shoulder. It hit nothing important, meaning his recovery would be swift. Still, he followed the doctor’s orders to stay in bed as long as necessary. The doctor, of course, was a family friend who kept everything off the record.
And even after the great war that had transpired outside Oswald Braddock’s home, we somehow escaped the cops, without too much questioning. I assume that cost the three families more money than they’re willing to think about.
Dirty people make dirty deals to keep themselves free.
I’ve spent the last few nights at Maddox’s side, wrapping my arms around him delicately while he sleeps from the pain medication. And by day, I keep my distance, allowing him to rest. We’re all lucky to have gotten out of the situation alive. But, now I know what I want in this life. It’s not to run away from the legacy Father left behind, and to disappear. It’s to be at the side of the man I love.
Since the day I met Maddox, he’s done everything in his power to protect me. He’s thrown a watchful eye over all my actions. He even stuck his neck out for me against the powers that controlled him.
Even the bullet he took for me, has never been mentioned. Knowing Maddox, it never will be. He’s just happy to see me safe and I’m ecstatic that he’s come out unharmed, if not a little worse for wear.
I think about it often during the day, while I’m alone. The hardships I’ve caused by trying to run away. But every thought always leads me back to Maddox and the life we’re going to live, moving forward. With him at my side, we’re an unstoppable force. We’re the perfect pair. Ready to accomplish everything we set our minds to.
I’m humbled by it, but terrified, too. For who knows what tomorrow might bring.
But with Maddox, I know we can move mountains.
“I remember the first time I ever saw this room,” Maddox says. Hearing his voice so suddenly, while lost in thought, makes me jump. I turn to find him standing shirtless in the doorway, cross-armed with a bandage around the bullet hole.
It’s the first time he’s been out of Father’s room since we returned to the Palace after that night. Not that he’s had any need to leave, with Romani men ready to wait on him hand and foot. But seeing him sends a jolt of excitement tearing through me. He’s safe, alive, and more or less unscathed.
He’s reassured me on more than a few occasions that the pain will pass in time, but I can’t wait for it to finally happen.
“And when exactly was that?” I ask, cocking a brow. I can’t help the naughty smile that tugs at the corners of my lips. I know what he’s going to say next. The way he stood outside my window, peering in. I stand up, walking towards him, because my body needs to be close to his right now.
“Oh, a while ago now,” he says, offhandedly, making his way towards my bed. I come here most days after I leave Maddox to sleep. There’s enough for me to keep busy with, between reading or watching TV. “But if I remember correctly, there was a hell of a show on that night.”
His naughty smile matches mine. He eases himself towards me, so that we’re only a few inches away from each other. Maddox wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me in. I go without a fight, resting my head on his chest.
“A show, you say?” I kiss the bare skin on his chest, before looking back up at him. Maddox giggles, tickled by my lips.
“Of the X-rated variety. The kind every man dreams of, really. I guess I was just lucky to be in the right place at the right time,” he says, stroking the back of my head with his hand.
“Well, they say lightning rarely strikes the same place twice.” I look up to him again, biting my bottom lip. “But you might just be lucky enough to see it happen.”
“I’ve never been lucky in my life. So, that’ll be the day.”
We both laugh. “But I’m feeling a lot better today. Thought I’d come to seek you out and see what’s been happening in my absence.”
“Oh.” That’s a crushing thing to hear. First day back on his feet and Maddox is all ready to get back to work. I shouldn’t be surprised. “Well, the Quincys and Larry have sent their well-wishes for what’s happened, and they said…”
“I didn’t mean with any of them.” Maddox leans forward, letting out a labored sigh, before pressing his lips against the top of my head. “I meant with you. How are you holding up?”
“I’m fine.” I look at him quizzically. Though it soon hits me that he means my emotional well-being. “I did what I had to, to make sure we got out fine. You’d have done the same.”
“Yes, I would have,” Maddox said. “Without a second thought. Because if anything would have happened to you, I don’t know how I could have lived with myself. I’ve done that a million times over, but it’s different for you. You’ve never been in the front lines, you’ve never had to kill like that.”
I hide my face to smile and blush without Maddox seeing. There’s something special about a man who’s willing to do anything for the woman he loves.