Page 26 of Ice Falls
“About peanuts?”
“No, about female empowerment.”
He cocked his head and put on a fascinated expression. “One of my favorite topics. Don’t stop on my account.”
“Fine. What do you have to say on the subject? One sentence. Go.”
“Women rock. Also, women are half the population and ought to have every single right and privilege that men are used to. We have far too many entirely mediocre men in power positions because they don’t have to prove themselves the way women do. They’re assumed to be capable even if they’re just idiots who happen to like the same football team as whoever’s hiring.”
“Not bad, not bad.” She tossed him a peanut, which he caught and popped into his mouth.
Phew. Not that he didn’t mean every word, but answering a question like that when posed to you by a lawyer was like dancing across hot coals.
“Hi Sam,” said Lila as she set up a cutting board on the bar. A large knife and a pile of limes came next. “How’d the storm treat you?”
“Still standing, but my generator ran out of fuel and my truck wouldn’t start. I had to ski into town with an empty fuel can. Skiing back up the slope was the fun part.”
“Sam lives east of town,” Lila told Molly. “I heard he throws the most amazing parties on the day of the summer solstice.”
“Once, I did,” he growled. “I threw one party, and now everyone’s acting like it’s a tradition.”
Bear arrived, carrying a case of Jameson on each shoulder. His name suited him, with his husky build and long black hair. Bear wasn’t a big talker, but he didn’t need to be. He had the ability to look absolutely terrifying. One harsh look could send an unruly customer scurrying for the exits. He’d once confessed to Sam that he cultivated that intimidating facade because he didn’t like having to actually lay hands on anyone. Much easier to keep it simple with the threat of a punch like a jackhammer.
He nodded to Sam and set the cases down on the bar to unpack.
“I’ll do that,” said Lila cheerfully. “It’s the least I could do, since you’re letting me take time off next week.”
Bear grunted his agreement and left the cases where they were. Lila didn’t seem to mind his monosyllabic style. They seemed to understand each other just fine.
“He’s such a sweet boss,” said Lila after he’d left. “I’ve worked for so many people, and he’s the nicest one by far.”
Molly’s forehead wrinkled in doubt. “Does he ever talk? I haven’t seen him say anything since you introduced us.”
“He does. In fact, he just told me that he’s expecting a big crowd tonight, and to go easy on the shots, and that he’ll be around in case there’s trouble.”
Molly scoffed. “When did he tell you all that?”
“Just now.”
“All he did was grunt.”
“Words aren’t the only way to communicate.” Lila smiled at Sam. “For instance, the fact that Sam is hanging out while we set up bowls of peanuts means he has something he wants to ask you. Go ahead, Sam, I’ll be right back.”
She whisked herself out back, perhaps to have more silent communication with Bear. Lila was perceptive, he’d give her that. He did want to ask Molly something.
Molly set down the bag of peanuts and glanced Sam’s way. “Personally, I’m a big fan of words. What’s up? I’m not looking for a flight out yet. Sorry if that costs you another bet.”
“No, I’m glad you’re not leaving yet. I wanted to ask you…”
Now that the moment had come, he felt intensely uncomfortable. He’d run into Luke while he was filling his fuel can and he’d repeated the invitation to his property. This was his chance, and it might not come again. But he really wished he could tell Molly why he needed to go. “I thought you might be interested in some local color.”
“Local color? Is there anything else around here?”
“Good point. I mean, even more local and colorful. Remember Luke Chilkoot from when we landed?”
“Hard to forget.”
“Remember how he invited us to visit him? He mentioned it again while I was fueling up. I’m not entirely sure why, but it might have something to do with his wife Naomi. It’s the end of the winter and she might be getting stir-crazy.”