Page 51 of Ice Falls
“She was here before you came, and she was fine. I’ll keep an eye on her, and she has Bear. Bear is protective of anyone who works for him. Besides, she’s not involved in anything related to the Chilkoots. She’s not in any danger.”
That stubbornness flashed across her face again. “You’re really anxious to get rid of me, aren’t you?”
“No.” That answer came out in a heartfelt rush of sincerity. “If all this wasn’t going on, you’d be in my bed and I’d be inside you and I’d be begging you to stay longer. I want you to be safe. That’s it. I don’t know if I can keep you safe here.”
Her eyes, so fierce a moment ago, softened to a warm brown that nearly took his breath away. “But I’m just getting to know Firelight Ridge,” she said softly, making clear she meant him, not just the town. “And I really like it. A lot. How can I leave now?”
He groaned, since apparently he’d gone about this the completely wrong way. He’d managed to argue against his own case. Because the truth was, he did want her here. If she left, he’d be worrying about her all the time anyway. At least if she was here, he could do his best to protect her.
He looked down at their interlaced hands, and tried to think of a way out of this conundrum. A touch on his cheek startled him, made him jump, until he realized she was kissing him. Soft lips skimmed across his jaw.
That wouldn’t do.
He turned his face so his lips met hers. Fire flared to life at that point of contact, and spread like lightning through his system. They kissed each other greedily, voraciously, like two people who’d been without touch for far too long, and who’d forgotten what the real thing tasted like.
She came off the armchair and pushed him backwards onto the bed. He surrendered willingly, sprawling back onto the bedcovers. Whatever she had in mind, he was down for.
Gripping her thighs on either side of his hips, she straddled him. Instantly his cock responded, going from half-aroused to full-on throbbing thickness. He ran his hands up and down her thighs, appreciating the power of her thighs’ grip. Her strength impressed him, but it made sense, given the fact that she’d run up a trail to get here.
“I think I’ve wanted you ever since you got on my plane,” he murmured. “Or maybe even sooner. The scale.”
She laughed at that. “You did invite me to take off my clothes.”
“That invitation is still open.”
She reached for the hem of her zip-up jogging shirt and ripped it off her body. Underneath, she wore a sports bra in a neon shade of yellow that lit up the room almost as much as her hair did. She was a burst of color and brightness in the middle of his personal cave. Magnificent.
What came next was even more so. She peeled off her sports bra and allowed her breasts to spill out. Lush flesh, erect rose-pink nipples. With her red hair tumbling over her shoulders, she was a vision of erotic temptation, and he couldn’t believe she was sitting on top of him. What had he done to deserve this moment? He’d put her in danger, he hadn’t told her the full truth, he’d just pleaded with her to leave town.
Fuck it, he wasn’t going to question this. He was going to grab it with both hands. Literally.
He groaned as he filled his hands with the soft flesh of her breasts. Her nipples slipped between his fingers and he found them with his thumbs. She gasped at the contact, at the friction, the squeeze, the tease. Oh yeah. He could work magic with her. Pure sexual magic to match the fire that flowed between them and around them.
“We probably shouldn’t do this,” she said on a moan. “I’m still not sure I can trust you.”
If that was how she felt…He made to pull his hands away from her breasts, but she clapped hers over his. “It’s okay. I don’t trust anyone anyway. That doesn’t mean we can’t do this.”
She tilted her hips, and he felt her intimate flesh press against his crotch, stroking him through the layers of clothing that still lay between them. Dry-humping…maybe that was the way to go. Less intimate, safer. More tantalizing.
He gripped her hips and helped her grind against him, timing his own movements to synch with hers. Through the spandex, he found that magic spot between her legs, the place where the heat was centered, where her need coalesced. He stroked her there, wishing he could feel her wetness, but happy to watch her gasp in pleasure.
“Let me…I’ll take off…” she muttered, but her hips were already picking up the pace, finding a rhythm against the pressure of his thumb. He watched her closely as his own body hummed with arousal. Tension ramped down his spine and gathered in his balls. God, he’d love to plunge deep inside her and immerse himself in her juicy heat.
Next time. Mark it down.
Her body jerked and arched in a sudden spasm. She let out a long guttural cry of release, flexing her hips in a deep grind that had him fearing for his hand. Whatever—she could go ahead and break his hand, there was no way he was going to take it away before she was done.
And then the energy coalescing in his spine exploded into a sharp orgasm that flashed through his body like a ball of fire. Oh fuck. This was supposed to be about her, not him, but he’d let his control slip while he focused all his attention on Molly.
She wasn’t helping him regain control, in fact she was urging him on with more sensual grinding of her hips. He closed his eyes briefly, the bright explosion too much for him, then opened them to take in her flushed face and chest. It was okay…she’d found her satisfaction. He could take his. And he did, feasting his eyes on her quivering breasts while he clamped her hips against his hard cock. God, he wanted to be inside her.
He fell back, spent, as the last of the fading spasms racked his body. “Jesus Jumping Jehoshaphat,” he choked out. “Where did that come from?”
“I don’t know, but if that’s what comes from living on the edge of danger, I guess I’ve been missing out.”
She climbed off his body and stretched out on her front next to him. He trailed his fingers across the damp skin of her back. He loved the firm curves of her body, the confident way she took up space. She was a handful, in the best possible way.
“It better not be that, because I intend to keep you out of danger.”