Page 55 of Ice Falls
“Why?” He tossed the branch into the creek and turned to look at her sharply. “Why is that weird?”
“You can get a year’s worth of the Pill at a time. Why doesn’t she just do that, instead of asking you to pick up more every month? Seems riskier to do it so often.”
“Maybe that was the only prescription she could get?”
“How did she get the prescription to begin with? You usually have to go to Planned Parenthood or an OB/GYN. Did you ever take her into Blackbear to see someone?”
“I didn’t, but I’m not the only pilot in town.”
“True, but if another pilot took her to see the doctor, why wouldn’t she ask him or her to pick up her prescription, rather than bringing someone else into the loop?”
They stood there in the dark woods, on the edge of the flowing creek, staring at each other. “You’re thinking it isn’t actually birth control?” he said slowly.
“I don’t know. I just think it’s weird that it’s a month-by-month situation.”
“Damn it.” He looked down at his mud boots. “Maybe she played me. If there’s one thing I’m not going to look into too deeply, it’s a woman’s private business.”
“And you’re also a knight in shining armor type who would never turn down a woman’s request for help.”
He snorted. “Bullshit. Everyone knows I’m a lone wolf type who doesn’t get involved.”
“Is that right?” She tilted her head at him. The moon had risen now, and its silvery light brought out the strength in his cheekbones and jawline. “Then why are you right now planning to scoop me up and carry me across this creek, and then do the same with Buttercup?”
He stared at her for a moment, then threw his head back and laughed. If anyone was nearby, they would definitely hear him, so he must be confident they were alone. “You’re uncanny.”
She kept her satisfied smile to herself. “Just observant. You have mud boots, I don’t. It’s a short distance. Logic says it’s the quickest way across that creek.”
“All right, then. Hop on.”
He turned his back to her and bent down low so she could climb onto his back, piggy-back style. The feel of his powerful body between her thighs got her hot all over again. She wrapped her legs around his hips and held tight while he stepped toward the rushing water of the creek.
“Want me to shine my phone light?” she murmured.
“You’re tickling my ear. But sure.”
“I guess I’m just a cochlea tease.”
“What? Fuck. Don’t make me laugh. It’s not a good joke anyway. Why do I want to laugh?”
Oh no, what had she done? If they both landed in the creek thanks to her idiotic sense of humor and timing of said humor, she’d be furious with herself. “Terrible joke. Moving on. Hang on one sec while I get my phone out.”
She managed to dig her phone out of the pocket of his borrowed hoodie, and shone it down at the creek. Lord, that water was moving fast.
“Do me a favor and keep an eye out for large branches or other debris cruising towards us.” She heard the strain in his voice, and no wonder. Lightweight, she was not. She was impressed that he’d managed to carry her this long.
“Will do. Let’s get this over with.” As she focused her phone’s flashlight on the creek, he took his first step into the swirling water. She felt the impact of the current against his body. Everything tightened and he let out a small gasp. “Just out of curiosity, how cold is that water?”
“Pretty damn motherfucking cold. It comes straight from the glacier. Half an hour ago, it was probably ice. This particular creek is runoff from the Ice Falls.”
He took another step deeper into the creek. The water splashed against his boots, nearly reaching their tops.
“Tumbleweed coming your way,” she warned as a tangle of branches and dead vines took aim at them. He stopped and waited for it to pass. It didn’t take long, just a few seconds and it was out of sight.
“Clear,” she said.
He forged across the rest of the creek in three careful strides. A bit of churning water splashed against her cheek, so cold it shocked her. As soon as he reached the far bank, panting heavily, she slid off his back and let him recover. Hands on his knees, he drew in several great gasping breaths.
“Nicely done,” she told him as she stroked his back in soothing circles. “Gold medal for midnight creek crossings while wearing a human.”