Page 14 of Vicious Fall
“Enzo has a very important job here, you made sure of that, but if you two are going through your lover's quarrel it puts both his job and the lives of others at risk,” Giovanni says, and I know he’s just trying to get back at me for the dig on our father.
“We’re not having a quarrel… he just isn’t speaking to me right now.” Which is ridiculous. “But he’ll get over it soon enough.”
Vito sighs next to me and I roll my eyes even as I feel Gio still staring at me. “Maximo.”
I raise my hands, showing Giovanni my palms as I climb to my feet, “It’ll all be alright, Gio. I’ll focus on Enzo and maybe you can focus on the fact that you’re trying to avenge a long dead man who would have preferred I died in the womb.” The venom in my voice eases out without my permission and I hate it. It makes me feel like the bastard still has a hold on me, even in death.
“Maximo.” Giovanni’s tone is different now, gentler, but I don’t want to hear it.
If he truly cared about me or my thoughts and views on this whole thing, he’d speak with me privately. Or better yet, he would have listened to me the many times I've tried to talk to him over the years.
So, I don’t dare let his tone draw me in, storming out of his office and allowing the door to slam behind me.
I make my way toward the front door, needing to get out of the house. When I hear footsteps behind me, I don’t have to turn to know it’s Lucia.
“So..” she drawls out from behind me. “Do you want to talk about it?”
My jaw tightens as I think her question over seriously. Lucia is the only real confident I have, and she’ll never judge me. Most importantly, she’ll always take my side.
“This isn’t aboutfinishingthe war with Seven Quad, it’s about finishing Giovanni’s vengeance against Dox,” I say, pausing in the foyer and turning to look at Lucia.
Her lips are pressed together but she nods in agreement. “You’re right, Giovanni has turned this into a personal vendetta.”
“If it’s up to me, they all die, Dox, his fucking son, the whole gang. Because that’s what this whole thing was supposed to be. Seven Quad has disrespected us for so fucking long, Diamond waltzed his way into Delirium, manipulating Winter for months. And yet we’re just going to call another fucking truce. It’s insulting and dumb as fuck. He’s always the first to call me a hot head and say I don’t think, but what is he currently doing?”
There’s hesitance in Lucia’s face and her brows pinch together. “I see what you’re saying, but we both know that Diamond was manipulated by his father into thinking that he was helping Winter.”
Her tone is gentle and easy, reasonable, but I don’t like it.
This doesn’t sound like her siding with me.
“Yeah, and what about when he came into the club and harassed her that first time?”
I’d had to blow off the head of the man next to him in order to get him to release Winter.
Lucia rubs her jaw. “And what do you think Winter would think?” she asks.
Blinking, I frown at her. “What do you mean?”
“She knows everything Diamond has done and yet she doesn’t think of him as a villain.”
Eyes narrowing, I shake my head. “That’s because Winter is gullible. Look at all that I’ve done to her, and yet she has no problem jumping on my dick and fucking me raw.”
Lucia sighs, rolling her eyes. “No need to be crude, Maximo. I know that you don’t hold as much disdain for her as you like to project.”
“You’re very controversial with your views today, aren’t you?” I ask, raising a brow, neither confirming nor denying her statement.
Truthfully, I have no idea how I feel about anyone these days, including Winter.
She snorts a laugh. “Not even close.”
I wave a hand. “Either way, I’m done talking about it. I need to get out of here and screw my head on right before I blow this whole plan to smithereens and just start shooting.”
“Fine, but let me ask you one last question: Do you really think you and Enzo are okay?”
I pat a hand on my thigh. “I think that Enzo is being a bit of a baby right now, but I’m going to get him to see reason, I’m getting sick of sleeping alone.”
Lucia’s lips twitch. “That almost sounded romantic.”