Page 16 of Vicious Fall
He’d said the words as if he had the right to. As if he couldn’t give me just one thing and apologize to me. Apologize for tackling and going off on me the night before out of the blue, and then threatening to kill me. Before almost making a promise out of that threat.
As if I should take himnotkilling me as a good enough apology.
Lucia rolls her eyes and waves a hand. “Don’t be so fucking sensitive, Enzo. My cousin is sorry and you already know it, so why should he have to say it?”
Two fucking peas in a pod, cut from the same fucking cloth, these two.
Yet, I can tell from the way her eyes flicker to the side that maybe she doesn’t fully believe the bullshit she’s spouting.
Which makes it even worse.
“Jesus,” I shake my head, pinching the bridge of my nose. I shouldn't be allowing myself to get riled up all over again, but I can’t help it. “You’re as bad as him.” I narrow my eyes at her. “I feel bad for the idiot who winds up loving you.”
It’s a tough edge, I know it, Lucia is just as likely to pull a gun on me as Maximo, the difference is she holds no love for me and won’t hesitate to shoot. But frankly, I can’t bother to give a fuck today.
Her lips pinch tightly. “For the record,idiotsfall in love with me all the time-”
“Let me correct myself then,” I cut her off before she can go any further, “I feel bad for the person who you’ll one day love back. Because like your cousin, your head will be stuck so far up your own ass, you won’t be able to see when you wreck them.”
It’s a rare thing to come from Lucia Costa, but I revel in it as she stares at me. There’s this little glimmer in her eye and it gives me pause.
“Unless there’s already someone?” I ask.
I have never known Lucia to love anyone other than her family, even Giovanni who she can’t get along with for longer than five seconds. She loves and leaves all her lovers, a couple she keeps on rotation, but she doesn’t keep any of them around and she certainly doesn’t fall in love with them.
Her shoulders tighten and that little look in her eyes disappears, stomped out. “Please, Enzo, you and I both know the day I fall in love is the same day I hang my guns up.” She snorts out a laugh.
“Sure.” I’m over this conversation. “I’m glad I ran into you, but it’s been a long couple of weeks and I’d like to get to my room.”
She steps out of the way and gestures to the stairs. “Sure, don’t let me stop you.” There’s a little something to her tone and it reminds me of the fact that her hanging in the foyer was suspicious in the first place.
Again, I know it’s a trap, but I don’t turn around, making my way up the stairs and to my room. I keep an eye out the whole way and when Maximo doesn’t appear, I expect to find him in my room. Yet my queen sized bed is empty and so is my desk chair. I open my closet door and check the adjoining bathroom, finding both empty.
Surprised, and maybe a little disappointed, I lock my bedroom door. I undress down to my boxers, not bothering with a shirt. Tossing my phone onto the nightstand, I shut off the lights, annoyed by the sunlight that still comes through my window from the setting sun.
It's rare that I get any down time where I’m not looking after Winter or watching Giovanni’s back. But with Amadeo being transitioned into protecting Winter more, and Giovanni out on business I’m not invited to, I’ve had to enjoy the down time when it comes and try to take those moments to rest up.
But sleep has always been hard for me. Like now.
My heart is beating a little quicker than usual and I tell myself to calm down as I close my eyes, used to the relentless hours of work messing with my anxiety.
Shuddering, I roll to my side, my heart freezing in my chest when I find someone standing beside my bed.
It takes all of a second for me to realize it’s Maximo.
And in that second, I reach for my gun, but he’s quicker, jumping on top of me. His legs straddle my waist, the fabric of his pants rough against my skin. His hands circle my wrists, forcing my hands down to the mattress, a dip cratered beneath them.
We stare at each other, neither of us moving. His eyes are dark, his breathing even.
Maximo is a tall man, but a slender one, he isn’t heavy. If I wanted to push him off of me, I could, but I don’t. Instead, I stare up at him, tilting my chin back. “How did you get in?” I ask him.
I hadn’t heard the door open and when I flick my gaze behind him, I confirm that it is in fact still closed. And he hadn’t been hiding in any of the other rooms.
His tongue runs across his bottom lip, slow, sure… sexy.