Page 26 of Vicious Fall
He shakes his head frantically. “No, not that sister, there’s another one, the one he was closest to.”
I frown at that. Maddox has two brothers and one sister, who’d gotten as far away from him as possible. He also has a few nieces and nephews. But we don’t hold any leverage with them because as far as I can tell, Maddox doesn’t give a fuck about any of them. They could get hit by a bus in front of him and he wouldn’t even blink.
“Where is your wife?”
“She’s around.”
Anger moves through me. “What do you mean around? Do you think I have time to sit around and play stupid games?” I snap at him, my fingers twitching on my gun.
“No, but I know you’ll find out what you need to know without me telling you. Plus, I need some insurance in order to leave here alive, and she isn’t important anyway.” He waves his hand around. “It's about her daughter.”
Irritation assaults me. The stupid bastard wants to play games. But instead of putting a bullet in him the way I want, I play along for the moment. I don’t have many other options at this rate.
I glare at him. “Maddox doesn’t care about some estranged niece.”
Again, he’s shaking his head, agitation clear on his face. “She’s his daughter.” Before I can interject, he keeps going. “Maddox was fucking with my wife since they were kids. He popped back up after we got together and they started that shit back. She thought I ain’t know, but I did. The daughter she had belongs to him, she ain’t mine.”
Something about the way he’s talking about his wife is off, but I don’t have time to focus on that. Instead, I focus in on his other words. The information takes a moment to process in my brain and even then I shake my head, not knowing what to say.
“She’s seventeen and I could give her to you,” the man says, a twinkle in his eye.
“And why would you do that?” I ask.
The man shrugs, trying to be casual but I see the way his eyes go big. “Maybe I do something for you, you give me a little something.”
He doesn’t have to say what that something is.
“You don’t even have proof that she belongs to Maddox, I can’t just go off the word of a crackhead.”
“I ain’t no crackhead,” he snaps. “And I know if you do a little research you could probably confirm I’m telling the truth.”
I consider his words over. If he’s telling the truth, this is big. Maybe Dox doesn’t care about an estranged niece, but a daughter, that’s different. And then there’s also this supposed sister. A sister he fucked and had a kid with. She’d be good leverage as well.
But I know better than to take a crackhead at face value. So instead, I look the man over, debating.
“You sure about this information?”
He nods, his lips spreading into a grin that reveals gap toothed dental. He can’t hide his excitement as he rubs his hands together. “I’m sure.” He crosses his fingers as he holds them up. “Put it on my life.”
I would have held it to more value if he said that he put it on his next hit, yet something was telling me to believe him.
Which is why I let him walk out of the warehouse with the contact info for one of our dealers.
It hadn’t taken long to do my research and confirm that Paul hadn’t been lying.
At least not about everything. And the things he did lie about…
When I approached him, he’d made it clear that he hadn’t lied, just obscured some things about his wife. Which in itself made his life obscure to me, and I hadn’t regretted placing a bullet in his head.
He was a dead man walking either way.
No doubt he was going to run back to Dox and tell him everything he’d told me, like the fucking idiot he was, once I stopped supplying him.
And once I’d discovered Winter, discovered her life with Paul, I wished I could kill him twice over. He was beneath scum, the things he did to his own children. Because what man would pimp both his daughter and son out for his hit?
What man would sit by and watch his son get hooked on the same shit?
So no, I never regretted killing Paul Chastine.