Page 57 of Vicious Fall
I lick my lips and her eyes follow the motion. “I don’t particularly care for parties,” I confess.
“That doesn’t surprise me,” she says, easing a little closer.
And just like that, I can feel Maximo’s gaze on me all over again. I spare a look at him. He’s standing by Giovanni and Vito. The former seems to have a grasp on his wrist as if holding him back.
“Will you forgive him?” Winter asks.
“Eventually,” I say, looking back at her.
Her eyes crinkle at the corner. “What are you waiting on?”
“An apology.”
Her gaze softens. “He really hurt your feelings, didn’t he?” she asks, her voice just above a whisper.
I look away from her, not liking the emotions swirling in her eyes.
Things were easier when the only thing she ever looked at me with was hate. But lately, I’ve been too in tune with the fact that her eyes hold other emotions.
And I don’t like that she’s the only one who seems to understand that my issues with Maximo go deeper than the physical. Everyone else thinks I’m still pissed at him for trying to harm me, but I don’t give a fuck about that. Maximo has caused pain to every inch of my body from the moment we met. It's the pain he causes my heart that hurts the most though.
“All I want from him is an apology,” I say, not turning my gaze back to her. “I don’t understand why that’s so hard.”
Her fingers ghost across my skin, the touch causing sparks. I take a deep swallow before finally turning to look at her.
“I don’t think the silent treatment is working,” she says and her eyes flit over my face. “It’s only making him more pissed.”
She’s right.
Maximo had tripped me that day in the hallway solely because he had been looking for a way to exercise his anger. I’d been more pissed about the fact that he’d sent me crashing into Winter than anything. Her leg is clearly still fucked and I’m much bigger than her so I know it hurt when I fell into her.
Which is why I hadn’t regret it when I swung on Maximo. I hadn’t put full force behind my hit but he’d certainly been looking to cause damage when he split my lips with his own swing.
If Lucia hadn't broken things up I don’t know how much further things would have gone.
But it scares me to think that maybe we’re sliding down a toxic slope of unforgiveness because it’s the last thing I want.
Iwantto forgive Maximo, he just needs to give me a reason to do so.
Despite myself, my eyes move over to him again. He’s still standing in the same spot and the anger in his eyes is hot even from the distance. His eyes move beside me and then to my arm where Winter is still touching me. His eyes snap back to mine, his jaw clenched.
He’s jealous.
The surety of it hits me like a train. This is what started it all, Maximo being jealous of Winter and thinking I was trying to replace him. Which I wasn’t.
Sure, I feelsomethingfor Winter, though I can’t place what that thing is.
But there’s no replacing Maximo.
It’s impossible.
And yet with that look burning in his eyes right now, I definitely want to hurt him.
Which is why I peer closely at Winter, mulling my options over. Her hand is still touching my arm and from the looks she’s been sending me lately I know that there’s definitely lust there.
“What are you thinking about?” she asks, a crease forming between her brows.
“Fucking you,” the truth slips from my mouth with ease.